Chapter 14: Why thank you bitch

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"Our Cole has a crush" Aria laughed as she reached forward to pinch Cole's cheeks who slapped her hands away immediately, and Luca laughed at the scene in front of him.

"Awww has little Coley Woley found his princess" Cole groaned when Luca's hands ruffled his hair and Damon smirked at Cole for the same reason, they were sat in their school's huge library because Cole needed to study and the rest were just keeping him company.

"Shhhhh" The Librarian shushed the kids "This a library, not a fish market"

Damon rolled his eyes at the cliché remark before speaking "I mean clearly, there are books instead of fishes"

"Damon" She warned the boy and his lips twitched into his usual arrogant and cocky smirk.

"You really should get your eyes checked, Miss Winston, I'm worried" He stood up and pushed Luca's head to a side before kissing Aria's cheek who made a disgusted face wiping it away with her hand immediately " I've got to go and Cole?"

"What?" Cole looked up to see the amusement on Damon's face as he pinched his nose "Our Cole's growing up, eh?"

"Shut up" He hissed throwing his head back, his cheeks burning red.

"So what does she look like?" Aria asked and Cole pressed his face into the pages of the Russian novel he was reading.

"Come on, Books, tell us" Luca laughed and Aria gave him a look, snatching the book so his head hit the table, making him groan.

"No, athlete, I won't"

"Stop with titling nicknames and just fucking tell me how she looks already, and about her, I need as much as information as I can get"

"Why, bubbly? Jealous?" Cole teased and she glared at her friend.

"Stop with the titling" She instructed them

"Yeah-no, Bossy more like"

"Cole, tell us" She let out an exasperated sigh and her friend sighed looking at them from behind his lashes as he loosened his tie.

"She's got these beautiful green-blue eyes" Cole closed his eyes as he spoke "And Brown hair, and she's got these pink lips, and her cheeks...they're always pink, I mean naturally, and there's this sparkle in her eyes every time she talks about something she genuinely loves" He opened his eyes excitedly, glad he could finally speak his mind out loud to his best friends.

"And she's got these totally innocent angel eyes even if she's anything but that, and I never thought anyone could look so beautiful when they cried, and at the same time it was so heart-breaking, and her hair, they're so fluffy but straight, and she's very pale and sometimes has these little burst outs, and she's very angry but so deep, and like so sweet, and freckles, oh my god, she'd got these faded freckles which you cant really see at all, and not at all when she puts even a bit of my makeup, and she"--

"Is this her?" Aria questioned, eyes alarmed as she turned her phone to him and he smiled at the picture.


"No Cole, no" Aria shook her head "Xavier was the last boyfriend she had appeared, also found dead, her oldest brother and guardian is being investigated for murder, not to mention she's a real brat"

Cole blinked.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"She's Serafina Fucking Spalitte, last born from the multi-billionaire parents, youngest to the siblings, spoilt rotten to the core, not your type."

"You don't even know her!"

"Don't I?" She turned her phone so that he could see.

Videos and images, Serafina drunk, partying, flipping people off, partying, smoking, partying, driving, partying.

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