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 (I'd recommend reading the re-written version as it has a full character arc and all that, this is up for sentimental reasons, and you can read it after that if you want <3. Just click here -» XxxVaansxxX  to go to my profile and find the re-written version. Thank you!)

Two years old, that's what Serafina's age was as she waddled down the hall, and hid behind a chair in the torture chamber, of course, unaware that this would be with her, haunting her for what should seem, the rest of her life.

She saw a man, hands tied above his hair, blood dried, some dripping down still, passed out cold, Soon she also saw her eldest sister enter as he came to consciousness with a thudding headache, eyes closed against the dull pain. The back of his skull throbbed like he was being tortured, which he was, he bit out a curse and moved his hand to inspect the damage - except that it didn't move. Something was restraining his arms. His legs, too, were immobilized, as he noticed when he tried to get up. To get up... so he was lying prone. The violent hum of electricity streaking through the air assaulted his battered head, calling forth a grimace of agony. A steady dripping echoed all around him, but it seemed to come from a single source.

Water, of course, it had to be water, right? dripping down, what else could it be?

"Look who's awake" He heard a strong, cold feminine voice.

"P-Pleas-Please, I-I'll do wha-whatever pl-please just..ju-just st-stop" He stammered out sobbing.

"Sobbing already? God, you really are pathetic, here" She handed him what looked like water and he urgently spit out after taking a sip.

It wasn't water, not normal water, of course.

It was acidic, and his throat, it felt as though it had been lit on fire, the inside of his mouth blistering, some parts audibly sizzling even.

She pressed her blade into his skin, before slowly gazing it over his wounds.

"W-Why ar-are yo-you doi-doin this?"

"Because it's fucking fun, why else? that and Boss wants information out of you" She said outlining his eye with the blade.

"B-Boss? Isn't h-he you-your brother?"

"By Blood, but no, he is my boss and that's where our talking and relationship ends" Katherine pouted mockingly.

"People think it's quite sad honestly" She said as though in deep thought.

"It's not, See the fewer people who I care about, the less weak I am" She said using her fingers to open his eye and very gently let the tip touch his cornea, one move and it would pop.

"Who is conspiring against our boss?" Katherine asked, yes, this was one the men working for them in the mafia.


"Don't bother lying, handsome" She said very slowly pushing the blade into his eye as he screamed in agony.

"Slowly, I will rip you apart, one by one till I get the answer" She said carving his eye out, the two year old watched all of this, tear streaming down her face, hand slapped over her mouth, scared.

She was scared of her whole family other than Eve as it was, this didn't make it any easier.

"I'L-I'LL TE-TEL-TELL Y-YO-YOU!" His stammer got worse, pain, it spread in a heating sensation through out his body as people would say.

But for him, it was worse than that, worse than anything he'd ever experienced, all he wanted to do was beg for death now.

"Who?" Katherine said frustrated.

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