Synopsis And Aesthetic

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This Family's favourite cocktail: One part Betrayal, One part death, half part Bloodsheed, with a splash of love...on rocks.

"My sisters want battle? I'll give them war"

1 brother.

"Men fight wars, littlest sister, Women win them"
"I mean that's a bit sexist but I want him down"

6 sisters.

"I am sorry, okay? I- I know I shouldn't have...and that I broke your trust, but he...he caressed my cheek and I broke"
"I-I DO, ALRIGHT, I...I don't know love, I never had som-someone ever l-love me and even if it's a-acting with one shr-shred of l-love, I cling to it! I cling to it BECAUSE I'M STUPID, AND ID-DIOTIC AND SENSIT-SENSITIVE AND IM DYING AND I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW IT FEELS BEFORE I FUCKING VANISH" Tensed silence filled the air at her confession as she broke down.

1 is dying. The rest unaware.

"When someone knows your story, they know you, and they can hurt you, because believe it or not thirst for power is more powerful than love"

Taught not to love, not to care, not be kind.

"I miss you"

1 has another shocking secret to add to the list.

"I have Cancer, though the say I'll survive, you?"
"Legionnaires, they know I'll not"

Another Love, Another Heart Break.

"You don't arm yourself after war has been declared, naive child. You build your army so big that no one dares pick the fight."

7 for power. 1 for revenge.

"I have met a lot of people, you don't particularly stand out"
"Funny, we kind of live under the same roof"

Broken People who hide it excellently.

"You are right, I do care, about bloody hugs, and soft kisses, and flowers and chocolates, but hiding that part of me, made me weak, not being me."

One who got over it, but the rest are still struggling.

"Sometimes who you are siding against is more important than who you are siding with"

Because a war is brewing, both physically and mentally.

And only one will win.


Vittorio Ramiro Spalitte

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Vittorio Ramiro Spalitte


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