Chapter 18: My Conditions

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Serafina was getting worse, day by day, her throat becoming hoarser, chest pains increasing, sometimes she had so much trouble breathing that she just held her breath in wishing with all her fucking heart she didn't have to breath anymore and getting drugged and being tied upside down did not help.

"Vesper" Raven breathed out "Phoenix"

Even though Phoenix was not talking to Raven, her tone made the girl look up.

Vesper simply raised an eyebrow, back to her normal self, it had been two weeks since the ball after all, Katherine had come up with another excuse to get Serafina to stay at home, Eve was busy with her kids and work which there was suddenly a lot of and Vittorio lost interest in Serafina's education and well-being again because he wasn't bored and free anymore. He was busy and didn't have time for such petty things however he was interested in her, very much, just where it affected him.

"I saw the torture room...and Vittorio" Raven spoke in bits, Vesper got up immediately heading towards the place where she spent most of her time, panic settling in her chest, with Phoenix and Raven following, they didn't know if the panic was for the well being of their sister or for their plan being tortured out or for their own well being.

Vesper entered to see Serafina's eyes red, not from crying though, it looked different, her face was flushed, cold beads of sweat dripping down her forehead which was creased, jaw clenched, her eyes looked at Vesper, and let a flash of terror show before she squeezed them shut tightly.

Vesper looked away biting back how she'd come to bloody save her and not fucking kill her.

"Vittorio" Vesper growled looking at the man "What the fuck"

"I just wanted to know what's going on" He smiled picking up two daggers "You know casually catching up with our baby sister"

He held out the two daggers to Vesper.

"Since you're an expert in the field please go ahead and tell me which is better?"

"What is wrong with you? She looks like she's fucking going to die!"

"Not my fault she's a sickly little weakling"

That gave Vesper an idea that may be unbelievable but would throw him off balance.

"Not your fault she had bloody cancer either, eh?" She stepped towards him "She's already dying, leave right the fuck now"

"No, she isn't" He spat out "I'd know if she were"

Yeah, sure you would, Serafina thought bitterly Sure all of you fucking would.

"You don't know anything about her" Vesper shot "I do"


"Victorio would be disgusted"

Low Blow, she knew it was a low blow and didn't say anything nor dodge the dagger that dug into her right arm, cutting through her skin causing blood to flow.

"She has cigarettes after cigarettes" Vesper lied calmly "It would be abnormal if the kid didn't have the disease"

Vittorio looked at Serafina and then Vesper knowing that wasn't the case but couldn't help the part that sort of believed the words.

It would be bloody abnormal, indeed.

"Fucking family"

Vesper didn't take the dagger out of her arm, instead took another one cutting the ropes binding her, Serafina immediately collapsed, and picked herself up against the wall, a groan leaving her mouth. She sat on the floor, letting herself lean on the wall weakly and coughed, hoarsely and painfully.

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