Yuuri X Victor(part 3)

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sorry for not posing for so long, I plan to end this story in chapter 21, just as a heads up, and wanted to thank everyone who has kept along with this book for so long. I might make another one, but it isn't decided yet. Until then. I will try to make the last two chapters great. And then the last chapter will be special. Well, back to the story.


"As for those two. I am sure they will be okay. They just need to sit down and talk. It will take time, but they will get there."

I smiled. Yeah, he was right. There was nothing for me to worry about, because no matter what, those two idiots were meant for each other.


Currently, Victor was chasing Yuuri around the house, trying to explain things to him, but every time Yuuri would walk away again. He kept this up for 2 weeks until the third week, Yuuri finally gave him attention.

"1 minute, that is all you have."

But that was enough for Victor, as he started explaining his relationship with the guy, and why he had been out drinking that night. How he ended up getting drunk was beyond control. How he was able to push the guy off. By the time he was done, he was out of breath. Victor then looked at Yuuri, pleading for him to say something, anything.

Yuuri sighed, "I get it. You were too drunk, so that left your body to react as if it wanted someone touching you, but I can't help but be worried at how many times this could have happened, how many secrets you could be keeping from me, how you're so quick to judge people as good people. It makes me worried, and it scares me more than anything Victor. It isn't just that night. All our fights, always about the most little thing, we do think differently, and that ends up crashing. I am too busy with skating, and you are busy with work and teaching kids how to skate. Right now we have different goals and different roads. Maybe......."

Yuuri didn't want to finish his words, because he was afraid of what might happen if he did. But he didn't have to because Victor already knew and it shook him to tears.

"Please Yuuri, I know things haven't been great between us. I know they aren't perfect, but please don't say we should break up. I really do love you, and even though I can be irrational at times, I still love and care about you more than anything. Please..."

Yuuri hated seeing Victor cry, but at the same time, he could tell that their lives clearly weren't ready to merge. He sighed one more time. "I...I just need some time to think okay. Until then I will be staying at Yurio's house." With that, Yuuri left, and all that was left was a crying Victor on the floor.


After two weeks away from each other, Victor had fallen into depression. He refused to eat, see anyone, or do anything. He even gave up getting up, unless it was to feed his dog. But as the third week rolled by, Victor could be seen just laying on the bed in his own tears. Asleep on the bed, and while he slept, the door to his room opened, and in walked Yuuri. 

Yuuri's Pov

After staying away for two weeks at Yurio's house, I finally decided to go back to talk to Victor. I had made my decision. As I walked in, everywhere was dark, and it was a mess in the living room. Everything was on the floor or broken, worried there might have been a robbery or something, I called out Victor's name. When he didn't answer, I rushed to his room and opened the door. There he was laying on the bed, the room also in the same condition as the living room. He looked and smelled terrible, and had stains of tears on his face. I walked over slowly and covered him with the blanket. As I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I thought about whether I had made the right decision. I knew it would make both our lives difficult to handle, but it was for the best, at least I hoped so. When he wakes up I will break the news to him. Sigh, this is going to be a long night.

to be continued...

sorry for taking so long to update again guys, and thank you for sticking with me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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