Shuichi X Yuki(part 2)

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating, I recently finished Finals and I just needed a break to myself, which is why I find;t update during this weekend. Well, I am back and I hope you enjoy this story.

Shuichi's Pov

I was currently on my way to meet Yuki. Hiro had picked me up exactly on time, and I couldn't wait for my date. After about 20 more minutes we finally arrived. I looked up at the building in front of me, it was a very expensive looking place, and it was so bright that it made a person g blind.

"Well, good luck with your date," Hiro said as I got off the bike.

"Thanks, I just hope this one goes better than the other one."

"Calm down, I doubt even Eiri Yuki is that cruel that he would go to the lengths o inviting you to a restaurant like this, only to ditch you. I mean I am not saying trust the guy, but still."

Yeah, he's right, Yuki is mean just not to that extent. I hope.

"Anyway, thanks again for the ride. I will tell you how it goes."

"Okay, bye."

I watched as he rode away, then I turned, took a deep breath, and walked into the building. I didn't know what to do so I just stood around until someone came up behind me. I would have flipped the person if I didn't recognize those golden blond locks anywhere.

"YUKI!" I almost yelled, jumping at him.

But before I could touch him, he dodged and told me to follow him. Like you would think he would be a little bit nicer but nope. That doesn't happen. So I did the best thing I could do. Follow him. As we walked through the restaurant, a lady came up and led us to a table. I knew Yuki probably didn't want me too close to him, so I sat at the other side of the table. We ordered our food and drinks, and as the waters left, I finally noticed the awkward silence that had been created.

"I am surprised you found this place, I thought you would get lost."
At first, I thought I was hearing things, but when I looked up, I confirmed that Yuki had definitely talked to me.

", Hiro was the one who brought me here so yeah."

"You do know you are not going to have him forever, right?"

What is he talking about? "Of course I know that, and when I said he brought me here I mean as in I didn't want to walk so he offered to bring me. I know the way here without his help." I took him a little annoyed. This was supposed to be a date but Yuki just has to form ways to make things difficult. Now because of him, I was in a bad mode. Thanks a lot. 

I was just about to excuse myself to the bathroom when the waitress came with our orders.

I just began to eat since Yuki had made it pretty clear that talking was and will never be one of his strong suits. 

"Don't just only eat, at least try and make some conversation, wow how much of a mannerless idiot are you?"

What the actually FUCK. Is he kidding me right now?

"I would but since the since I say are never good enough for you, the conversation always ends with you instulting me. So what is the point. And if you knew I was such a mannerless idiot, then you should have thought twice before inviting me out." I coulndt believe it but he was actually amking me angry. I felt like punching him. Like what is his problem. Does he not know any other way to communicate than instulting someone. He remindes me too mcuh of a blond kid in a anime called my Hrio Academia that I am currently watching. An here I thought that this date couldn't be worst than the other one.


For the rest of the night, I didn't say anything to Yuki, we finished with our food and we left, then he started walking in random directions and I just followed, mainly because he was my ride back home. Yuki is such a prick, why exactly am I even together with him, like dude, I chase you all around the world, and when you come back the best you can do is take me on a crappy date. Should I even be with Yuki, I feel like I just don't belong anywhere in his life. What should I do?

to be continued.....

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