Yuuri X Victor (part 2)

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Anyone who is wondering about what this story is about, try going back two chapters. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Victor's POV

Ever since that night, Yuuri has been keeping his distance from me. I tried to explain to him what had happened that night, but he seemed always found a way to escape. So I turned to the only person I could think of. Yurio.

"What did you want Victor? It better be important or else I will hurt you."

I turned around and saw Yurio and Otebek standing over me. I had asked to meet at the coffee shop near the ice rink since our schedules didn't give us much free time.

"Sorry for crashing. I didn't really have much to do, and Yuri here dragged me along."

"No, Otebek, it is okay. Really."

After we had all ordered our food. I took a deep breath and told them what happened to start from the beginning. I was done with my little story just in time as our food came.

I looked at both their faces to see how they were reacting. And in the blink of an eye, I was completely drenched from head to waist. I opened my eyes to find an angry Yurio with his now empty cup.

"How could you be so stupid Victor. And here I thought the piglet was the one with a terrible drinking habit. But you, YOU proved me wrong."

"Yuri, calm down, or else you will attract more attention to yourself," Otebek said.

"I didn't mean to. And even though I was drunk, I still had enough sense to push the guy off..."

"Well, not enough within the time that he had undressed you.."

"...I know, I know. A co-worker had asked me to drink, and somehow I ended up getting left alone. The worst thing is that the guy who had tried undressing me.....well, we had a history in the past."

"Of course you did. Have you tried talking to the piglet yet? Does he even know about your past relationship with that guy?"

"I have tried, but he keeps on avoiding me. I really wasn't going to do anything like cheating, no matter how drunk I was."

"I honestly don't care because, in the end, I am not the one you have to explain to. But I am glad this happened because now the piglet can finally see that his great idol, isn't so perfect."

"Okay, Yurio you're not helping at all right now. What about you Otebek, what would you do if you were in my shoes?"

"umm.....Well, let's see. If I was in your shoes, I would first try to get him alone, maybe when he is in a good mood. Then explain to him, and tell him any other possible secrets that I might be keeping. After, give him some space to think, but not too much space to the point it looks like I'm keeping my distance. Then whatever decision that is made, is made."

I thought about all that he had said, and he was right.

"Thanks for the help both of you. I have to go. Bye."

Yurio's POV

I watched as he ran out of the store. I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nothing beka, just thinking if they will be able to work things out."

Otebek smiled.


"Nothing, just that you act as if you don't care, but you actually do."

I blushed slightly,  but he wasn't wrong. If it wasn't for those two, I would never have been pushed out of my comfort zone, and never opened my heart out to Otebek.

"As for those two. I am sure they will be okay. They just need to sit down and talk. It will take time, but they will get there."

I smiled. Yeah, he was right. There was nothing for me to worry about, because no matter what, those two idiots were meant for each other.

To be continued...

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