TodoBakuDeku(last part)

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If you feel lost or confused about the progression of this story please go back and reread. Asides from that, ON WITH THE SHOW......ummmm...STORY?!

Todo's POV

I tried telling them about the news, but I couldn't bring it up. It was so hard. So now we are back at our apartment just laying around. Okay, I am going to tell them, it is now or never.


Everything stopped. It was as if time had stopped, and I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. Then I heard crying, and I was forced to look up. To my surprise, it was Bakugo who was crying not Midoriya.

"Is it something we did, is it something I did. I know I am not perfect, but I am trying to change."

I suddenly felt bad, no this was going the wrong way, this isn't how the news was supposed to come out.

"Nooo....No, Katsu, it wasn't anything you guys did. It more like something my father is forcing unto me."

Midoriya looked up, his eyes filled with curiosity and questions.

"well, you see I told him about my relationship with you guys over break, and he went berserk and the next day told me that he had set up a marriage date with one of his co-worker's daughter. I don't want to marry some random girl, but I have no idea what to do." I had started crying too, I didn't want to leave them, but I can't go against my father or else. Well, I never found out what would happen because I have never gone against him.

As I cried, I felt a soft hand on my face, I looked up and saw Katsu with the most lovely smile I have ever seen from him.

"Then don't, he can't force you into a marriage that you will be unhappy in."

"Then what do I do? I can't escape from it you know."

"Sho, we're not asking you to try and run. More like fight back."

"How Izu, how do I do that? I  have never done it before. My mother tried and she ended up in a hospital."

"I don't know, but we will figure it out. I promise okay?"

I looked into both their eyes and nodded my head. They were right. As long as we are together, we can always overcome any obstacles. It was stupid of me to think otherwise.


Just like Izu and Katsu said, they solved the problem. I don't know the full details but it involved them going over to my father and taking it out. They went with Aizawa-san, who also talked to my father, of course, it included some punches here and there, but the situation was solved before the due date for the wedding arrangements. As the three of us cuddled on our couch, I couldn't help but stare at the face of my fiances' faces. Yeah, that is right I said, fiances. They proposed to me two weeks after the whole marriage-dilemma. But despite everything I was grateful to them. Even before we got together, they each had their own unique individual ways of helping me. I was happy and I knew I would be happy with them for days to come. So as we each got carried away to the land of dreams all clustered together, I couldn't help but smile.


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