Baku x Deku (part 1)

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italics-thinking, bold- Baku talking, bold italics -Deku talking, normal fonts are other minor characters.

Deku Pov

I was currently walking to go see Kacchan. It has been a while since I have seen my Alpha and I  miss him terribly. You see, it was recently discovered that Kacchan and I were mates, but it was even more surprising when Kacchan accepted me with full arms and has opened up to me again, not that I have a problem with that or anything.

"Hey Deku, watch where you're going."
I looked up and there he was. My alpha and just with his words my omega in me starts to want him.
"Kacchan, I missed you so much."

I ran and jump on him. We almost fell but he made sure we didn't. At least I thought so until I felt us tipping closer and closer to the ground until there was the ground right in my face.

"Oi, Deku be careful. You don't want to get hurt now do you?"

I laughed, "Sorry kacchan, I will be careful next time. I just missed you so much."

Kacchan just rolled his eyes and said, "I missed you too baby, but we can't have you hurting yourself, okay?"
"Ok, sorry," I said pouting a little bit, cause he ruined my fun.

You see the thing is Kacchan and I found out that I was two months pregnant, and ever since then, Kacchan has been very overprotective of me. He wouldn't even let me do hero work anymore, and I got upset and to make me happy, he promised to take me on a date.

"Hey, why don't we get this date started so you could get home and rest."

I stood up, pulling kacchan up with me and with a big smile I said, "Okay, let's go."

to be continued.........

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