Update/Sneak Peek

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated for so long. I have been so busy with school work and my birthday celebration that the time just flew by me. Today's chapter might be short, but I hope you like it.

                                              Sneak Peek Special chapter

It was a hot day outside and the guys were rehearsing for their song Blood Sweat and Tears. They had moved outside thinking that they could escape from the indoor heat. But boy was they wrong. If it was hot inside, it was scorching outside. But they couldn't complain since there was no other place for them to practice. They were also short on time since they had about 2 other songs to rehearse, so trying to find a place to rehearse would waste their time. 

1st rehearsal song:

2nd rehearsal song:

After they danced to the songs about 5 times, the dance coach off with the instruction to rest. But of course one else had another idea. 

"Why don't you guys go one ahead without me, I have to practice my solo songs a little bit more for this Friday's performance."

The other members turned around and looked at him. They knew what he was doing. He was trying to push himself into perfection or at least until he collapses from exhaustion.

"You can't keep doing this to your self________. You know it isn't good for your health."  ??? said.

"I agree, and to make sure that you don't push yourself too much I am going to stay here until you're done."   ??? exclaimed like a worried mother.

The other members also agreed with ????, and decided that they were also going to wait and just eat at the studio until ???? was done. But do you want to know the truth? In some of the minds of the members, they had started to feel that ???? wasn't working hard enough. They felt that he wasn't trying and just wanted to play around. They even sat down with ??? and talked to him about it. And it was after that conversation that things changed. ???? started to avoid them, and when he was with them, he kept his distance. At first, the member thought it was because he felt guilty, or didn't like being reprimanded. But that soon all changed after tonight.

Hey guys, I know this is short, but I hope you like it. The special story might be something I might make into a book. I am not sure yet. But I hope you like it. Thank you.

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