Naruto x Sasuke Part 3

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Kuruma: "Author-chan does not own naruto and the idea for this part isn't completely author-chan's, but I hope you enjoy it."

"bold"- Kurama talking

"bold-italics" - Naruto talking to Kurama

Lemon, please be prepared.

"Sasu, stop. Not that hard."

Sasuke didn't know what to do, but for some reason the position and voice of Naru made him 

horny even more.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and decided to help him out with his horniness. He quickly flipped 

them over(you weren't expecting naruto to be seme were you). He was going to punish Sasuke 

for making him sad earlier today. With a sigh,  Naruto got off of the horny raven and when over 

to his drawers, pulling about a leash.

"Now Sasu, you wouldn't mind receiving your punishment right,"  Naruto exclaimed.

But Sasuke was too horny for him to hear what Naruto had asked him, which is why Naruto took

 the decision upon himself and said yes.

As Naruto was putting the leash on, Sasuke's sense's started to come back.
"Hey teme, what are you doing." 

"Well, what does it look like, I am punishing you for your earlier crimes."

Once the leash had been fastened, Naruto tugged on it, forcing Sasuke on all fours.

The sense oh being completely exposed and treated like a dog, made Sasuke horny was again, 

which made him receive another, but harsher tug on his leave by the blond. With a sigh, Sasuke  

bent over towards Naruto male part. He chewed his lip when he felt the hard, velvety flesh of 

Naruto's cock slides away from him as the other had soon taken a sitting position in the chair 

behind him. He licked his lips and shook when Nauto stuck two fingers into his mouth. 

Sasuke's fingernails curled into a fist and drew blood as Naruto opened his mouth in a lewd 

display of his tongue rolling around his fingers. The thought of having the mouth wrapped 

around him, made Sasuke start touching himself. But yet again to his dismay, got stopped by 


"You're not allowed to touch yourself tonight teme. Not until I say so."  Naruto stated with a sly smirk.

This statement resulted in a grunt from the very horny Uchiha. 

Naruto gave an amused snort and used the leashed hand to reach for the cloth between

 Sasuke's ass-checks, pulling it to the side, exposing Sasuke's hole. Sasuke's head bowed but

was tugged back further, his breath hitched when Naruto's finger sank in knuckle deep. Naruto 

moaned softly as he stroked Sauke's insides, relaxing him, but soon even he grew impatient.

Was he was sue that the raven was ready, he took out his fingers, making Sasuke whine for the 

lack of emptiness. The roughest tug yet forced a startled yelp from Sasuke, as his curved body 

and Naruto's own body behind him formed a nearly perfect D. "Shit!" Sasuke coughed out. 

Upset as he was about the treatment, Sasuke found himself harder than he'd been. 

"Get. On. me." Naruto breathed 

There was just something so fucking hot about Naruto forcing and ordering him around. It 

set Sasuke off and Sauke loved it. He let out a pleasurably pained groan, carefully taking Naruto 

in. The lower he went the deeper Naruto's dick sank, the deeper he sank the more he started to

feel full. With another harsh tug, Sasuke......

to be continued

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