TodoBakuDeku(part 2)

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Deku: "Author-chan does not own My Hero Academia, but I hope you enjoy it."

italics: thinking

Flashback(still Todoroki's pov)

School had just ended, and I had mustered up the courage to do it today. What you might ask? Well, for a while now I have had a crush on Midoriya, but I also just realized that I have a tiny crush on Bakugo too. And I wasn't sure what to do. I can't be in love with two people, right?

Anyway, I made up my mind to confess to both of them and whoever excepts my feeling is the one I will end up with. This is why I sent them both a note, asking them to meet me at the back of the school near the sakura tree after school ends today. And boy would I be lying if I said I wasn't nervous because hell I am. 

"Ok, class the bell is about to ring, so pack up your things and go home. Don't forget to do your assignments." Mr. Aizawa said tiredly.


I was waiting for both Midoriya and Bakugo when I suddenly heard arguments. I turned and saw Midoriya and Bakugo walking towards me.

".....don't walk close to me, you damn nerd. I will kill you.!!" Bakugo shouted.

"But Kacchan, you said I couldn't walk beside you, behind you, or in front of you. What do you want me to do fly above you?"

"AHHHH, are you trying to be sarcastic Deku!!" Bakugo exclaimed, making his hands spark in anger.

I couldn't handle seeing my two crushes arguing anymore so I stepped in between them.

"Could you two please stop, I need to talk to you two."

"Well, what the fuck do you want Icyhot?"

"Well...Ummm......I kind of have a crush on both of you. And I figured I might confess to both of you, and whoever accepted my feelings is who I would be with."

It was suddenly quiet. Neither of them said anything.

"And did you think of what you would do if we both liked you?" Midoriya asked.

I paused, he was right. I never thought f that.

"Well, maybe I might date both of you. That is if you both are willing to do it."

Bakugo who had been silent finally spoke up.

"So you want me to date Deku here?"

Wait does that mean he likes me?

"Yes, it does. You said that out loud."

I was stunned when I turned to Midoriya who looked to be in thought.

"Well, I appreciate you telling me how you feel but I don't feel the same way."

I was ready for some sort of rejection, but it still hurt. 

"But why?"

He didn't look up, he turned to walk away. I was about to cry. How was this going to affect our friendship?

Midoriya Pov

I turned to walk away too when Kacchan suddenly spoke up.

"It is because of me, isn't it."


"Don't lie to me Deku. If someone told me that I had to be in a relationship with someone that has constantly bullied me, I would also reject the idea."

No, he is wrong, that isn't the problem.

"Is that what is wrong Midoriya?"

"No, it.......that isn't"

"Stop denying it Deku, just say it you hate me. That is why you said no."




Bakugo Pov

"I knew it. It was because of me."

 But why does it hurt? It should, but it does.

"No, not the way your thinking. I said no because I know that if I am in this relationship it will cause problems for Todoroki-Kun. You and I don't get along, and I know you wouldn't want me in this relationship. So to save me the pain and trouble I said no."

That is it? He said no not because he hates me, but because he felt that I wouldn't want him in the relationship. But I guess that makes sense since I have done nothing but torture him.

"But I do want you in this relationship."

I turned around and grabbed Icyhot's hand and then gripped Deku's.

"I might have been a jerk, but that was only because I didn't know how to deal with my feelings. I thought that the things I was feeling were wrong so I tried to ignore it. But the truth is that I do like you both. I also wouldn't mind being in a relationship with both of you.

No One Pov

Both Deku and Shoto didn't say anything. They just stared at Bakugo, then suddenly they tackled him in a hug, kissing him on each cheek. 

"We like you too, and also would love to be in a relationship with you.

End of Flashback(Todoroki's Pov)

And that was how we got together. But now I wonder how they will react when I tell them the news. I am so nervous. Well, here goes nothing. 

to be continued...

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