Yuuri x Victor

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Yuuri's Pov

It has been 3 years since Victor and I started going out. I remember it clearly. I had just won my first gold medal and right there in front of everyone, he asked me to be his lover. It was one of the happiest days of my life. But lately, things have been falling apart. We would get in the tiniest bits of fights. He would get angry and then leave. And then he refuses to talk to me for the whole week. But today's' fight was the worst of them all. I had to go to help out on the ice-rink, but he wanted me to help him cleanout. I told him multiple times that I couldn't do it because I had already committed. But he still got angry and walked out.


I have come back from the ice-rink and Victor still isn't back. So I went out looking for him. It wasn't hard to find him because we had decided as a couple to download tracking apps, just in case something happened to one of us. I followed the app and very soon found myself in front of a hotel, and not just any hotel. It was a sex hotel. I didn't want to think the worst, but the fact that Victor might be in there made me feel so many emotions all at once. I went inside and I was met with a small bar and what I saw broke my heart. There right in front of me was an extremely drunk Victor, trying to force himself unto some guy who was on his right. the guy seemed to be uninterested. If only that could be the same for the other guy on his left, who seemed to be enjoying himself. Before I knew it, he had his hand under Victor's shirt and his other over Victor's dick. And it seemed like Victor was enjoying it. I couldn't move. I was angry, sad, and so disappointed all at once. All I could do was turn around and walk my way out. And Victor must have come out of his high, horny state because he seemed to have noticed me on my way out and called my name. At least I think he was the one. I wasn't sure anymore. For so many nights, he had gone out, the thought of where he was would always haunt my mind. And that was when it hit me. What if he has been coming here all those nights? What if he has already had sex with that guy multiple times? I mean, the guy seemed to know his way around Victor's body quite well. What if all this time I had been cheated on? Over and over and over.....

"Yuuri wait, please." I was knocked out of my thoughts by the last person I currently wanted to talk to. I was afraid of what I might do or say to him, but yet there he was.

"Yuuri, please let me explain to you. What you saw there was a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding. Really Victor because it looked like you were enjoying that misunderstanding." I didn't feel like yelling no matter how much I wanted to.

Sigh, "Just go get the car, we can talk about this misunderstanding of yours then."

With that we walked towards the car and headed home.

to be continued.....

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