Naruto x Sasuke part 2

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Naruto POV

Sasuke and I have been together for a whole month now but yet we haven't done anything that 

couples would normally do. He won't let me hold his hand, he doesn't let me touch him and 

people ask about us, he denies it. It is almost as if he was ashamed of me and didn' want people 

to know about us. I have to talk to him about it, cause I can't take it anymore.

"Hey Kura, could you help me look for Sasuke?"

"He's at your favorite hiding place in the forest."

"Thanks, Kura, you can go back to sleep now. 

Sasuke POV

I was enjoying a nice quiet afternoon, in the meadow in the forest, when I sense Naruto coming.

I opened my eyes and there he was above me.

"Hey, Naru."

"Don't hey me, why don't you want people to find out about us," he said.

I blinked, I didn't think it bothered him, but I guess it did. I had been avoiding him because I 

wasn't ready to tell people about us yet. 

"I guess......I just wasn't ready for the attention that would come with us telling people 

that we are together. This has nothing to do with you, just me."

I couldn't look him in the eye, I was too scared, how could I when I had made him reject his 

own self-worth.

"Look, I am very sorry for ......."

But before I was allowed to finish, he kissed me. 

"I understand, if you are not ready yet then I understand, but please don't keep things from me

next time okay babe,"  Naru said.

"yea.....sure.." I was being thrown off by the fact that he had just called me babe. Makes me want to Sasuke, you can't think thoughts like that.

to be continued...

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