Naruto x Sasuke part 1

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"bold"- Kurama talking

"bold-italics" - Naruto talking to Kurama

Naruto was currently walking in the streets of Konoha. It was a bright day out and everything 

was fine, well as fine as it could get when you add the rock-throwing, sneers and all the dirty 

looks being thrown Naruto's way, but he didn't let that stops him. He was currently on his way to

 see his lover, Sasuke. It was still hard for Naruto to comprehend the fact that they were dating. It

 all started last week......


Naruto was during his daily D rank missions, and like always tried turning it into a competition 

against Sasuke, who was for some reason putting up with him today.

"Hey Sasuke is there anything wrong, you have been acting off today,"  Naruto asked.

Sasuke turned to face him, looked around and when he saw no one was in the clearing. He

 leaned into Naruto and did the unthinkable. He kissed him on the cheek and replied him 

with a smile, and a small "Hn." This took Naruto by surprise and did the one thing that popped 

up in his mind, he ran away. Seeing this hurt Sasuke, and soon he found himself crying. To him, he took Naruto running away as a form of rejection, but somewhere across town, there was a 

boy with sun-tanned hair, blushing, redder than tomatoes. He hadn't expected Sasuke to kiss 

him, let alone like him. But between him and his mind, he enjoyed the kiss. No one knew this, 

except for Kurama, but Naruto had always had a crush on Sasuke.

"Yeah, yeah. You have always liked him, but he probably thinks otherwise with the whole running away stunt that you just pulled."

Naruto froze. He just realized it. He ran away from Sasuke but not out of disgust but confusion 

and surprise. 

"You better go find him, before you lose him. Just make sure you don't bother my sleep."

"Thanks, Kurama. I will."

And with that, Naruto took off, looking for his teme, yeah, his Sasuke. 20 minutes later when he 

finally found him, Sasuke was seen crying under a tree.

"Sasuke, there you are,"  Naruto said, exhausted from all the running.

Sasuke turned around and froze at the sight of Naruto.

"Sasuke, I am sorry if I sent out the wrong impression. I didn't run away out of disgust or anything but out of confusion and surprise. You see I have always liked you and I just didn't think you would feel the same way about me."

Sasuke looked into Naruto's eyes and could see that he wasn't lying to him, which made his 

heart flutter. Naruto liked him back, the thought of it made him cry even more. Naruto walked 

up to Sasuke and embarrassed him.

"I am sorry for making you cry, teme. Forgive me."

Sasuke shook his head and said, "It's okay, I guess I too would have been surprised and confused if somebody randomly kissed me out of the blue. So I am also at fault."

They stared at each other lovingly.

"Then," Naruto started, "do you think we could try that kiss again?"

Without an answer, Sasuke slammed his lips against Naruto's. and they stayed like that in each 

other's arms, enjoying the presence of each other.

To be continued.....

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