Ren x Haru

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Ren's POV

Today, we didn't have any school. I have stuck alone with Haru. Ever since morning, things have been awkward between Haru and me. I don't know why, but it seemed as though he was avoiding me. We walked to the store, he avoided looking me in the eyes. Was it something I did? I don't remember doing anything wrong, at least I wasn't sure if I did anything.


We had closed up the store and moved back home, and still, Haru was avoiding me, and I had had enough of it. As he walked into his room, I snuck in behind him and closed the door.

No  one's Pov


When he heard Ren's voice, he froze and then turned around slowly.

"Ren, what are you doing in here. You shouldn't be in here."

"Why not, it isn't the first time. Why have you been avoiding me?"

"..av...avoiding, I haven't."

"Yes, you have. Did I do something wrong, do you not like me anymore? Is that why?" Ren looked up at Haru with tears in his eyes. When Haru saw that he had made Ren cry, his body came back to life, as he picked up Ren and sat down on his bed.

" didn't do anything. It is just that......if I talked to you I don't think I would be able to control myself. Ever since the incident with Natsuo, my self-control has gone down. I don't want to take advantage of you, so....."

Ren looked at Haru surprised, he had never thought that he might have been struggling with something like that. So Ren did the first thing that came to mind. He sat up in Haru's lap, and kissed him. Haru was taken aback but soon kissed back with all his might. The longer they kissed, the more heated it became. Haru then sat up and pushed Ren onto his back on the bed. 

"Ren..are you sure? If we go further than this, I don't think I will be able to stop myself."

Ren thought about it for a small moment. He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't scared, cause he was. But this was Haru he was with, he wanted to be closer to Haru in every single way.

"Yes, I am sure. I belong to no one else but you Haru."

Haru then pushed his lips back unto Ren, as he reaches his hand's under Ren's shirt. He first took off Ren's clothing, then his own. He was about to reach out to touch Ren's bare chest when Ren stopped him.


to be continued......

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