Baku x Deku (part 2)

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italics-thinking, bold- Baku talking, bold italics -Deku talking, normal fonts are other minor characters.

Baku Pov

So Deku and I are currently in a restaurant. He is so cute, I could eat him up. We were getting ready to order when a waitress came to take our order. I don't know if she was on some shit but once she saw Deku, she sat next to him and started talking to him as if they were friends. Then 2 minutes later, she gets up, takes our order, and walks away. I was so angry.

"Kacchan, stop biting your lip, it's bleeding,"  Deku told me. I hadn't even noticed or felt the pain but a hand to my lip and I could feel that there was defiantly a red substance there. "Sorry, I am just angry, who the hell does she think she is, coming to the table and instead of doing her job, tries to flirt with what's mine. I will kill her."

I was so angry, that when I heard laughter, I was surprised. I looked up, and there he was laughing. "Oh, Kacchan, she was just trying to tease you, she didn't flirt with me or anything, in fact, all she did was ask me if I was pregnant cause she said she noticed and wanted to make sure." First, I was angry, then confused, then embarrassed. I can't believe I jumped to conclusions and lost my cool. But seeing my Izu smile was definitely worth the trouble.

"You could have told me sooner," I said. But he just kept on laughing at me talking about how I looked adorable getting all angry. If he wants to play like that then fine. I got up, walked to his side, and kissed him on the lip right there in the restaurant when I pulled pack he was so red that it spread to the root of his hair. I just couldn't help but laugh.

"Kacchan, that wasn't funny," he said covering his face while looking at someone behind me. I turned around and saw the girl from earlier.

'Looks like you got your revenge,"  she said laughing.

I smirked, "you bet I did."

She laughed once again, set our order down, and left. And that was how the rest of the date went, as Deku and I sat there enjoying our meal, and joking around until the sun decided to call it a day. We walked out of the restaurant after thanking the girl. And as we got out, Deku turned around and kissed me, and I didn't wait a second until I kissed back. Today couldn't have turned out any better. It was a great date, and as we walked home hand in hand, I was already planning for the next time I would bring my angel here for a date.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, this whole virus thing has got me wrapped in online learning and classes, so I haven't really gotten much time to update. From now on, I will try to update at least once a week. Hope you're staying safe, love you guys, byeeeee.

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