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Hey guys, sorry for not updating, but I am here today bringing you a ShikaNaru story. Hope you like it. Here goes.

Today was the day. The day that Shikamaru and Naruto open up about their relationship to their friends. They had been keeping it a secret because they didn't know how people would react and most of all, Shikamaru didn't want to give the villagers another reason to hate Naruto.

But there they are, at the barbeque restaurant, watching as their friends enjoy their food, and eat happily. Soon all their sensei's had arrived, and it was time for them to bring up the news.

"Hey guys, can I please have your attention," Shikamaru said a little bit nervous.

"I just wanted to tell you guys that...." As Shikamaru spoke every word, he could feel Naruto's hands begin to squeeze down on his, showing how scared he was.

"....umm, I just wanted to tell you guys that....that....I am happy you could join us here for today's meal. It means a lot to me that we can come together and enjoy ourselves despite our differences." Everyone stared at Shikamaru and then started to say how 'it wasn't a problem' and how 'they were happy they could be there. 

Soon it was time to leave, and as everybody left, Naruto walked up to Shikamaru and hugged him from the back.

"Thank you, I know you were ready to tell all of them, and I am sorry that I am such a coward, but I appreciate you holding off on the info.

Shikamaru turned around and looked at Naruto, he looked into the eyes that he loved and hugged him back.

"What are you talking about Ru, your not a coward for feeling scared, if anything you have a right to be judging from what this village has put you through. I could obviously tell that you weren't ready, and I understand that. I love you and it is my job to make sure that you feel loved and cared for, okay?"

Naruto was at a loss for words, and only shook his head and he tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

".....thank you......I love you too...," he said in between tears. 

And with that, they went home, hand in hand, with their hearts filled with love, and each vowing to the other that they would eventually tell everyone, and would, by all means, protect the other. But for now, they loved each other and that was enough for them.

The End.

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