Naruto x Sasuke Part 4.

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Kuruma: "Author-chan does not own naruto and this is the last part you will see me because this is the last part for sasunaru, but I hope you enjoy it."

"bold"- Kurama talking

"bold-italics" - Naruto talking to Kurama

Lemon continued( you have been warned)

With a final tug, Sasuke sank deeply onto Naruto's dick. Sasuke moaned loudly, as Naruto

continued to thrust into him violently. Sasuke felt pain, but that was soon replaced with

pure pleasure. Both men were panting harshly, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled

the room. Sasuke's body started to shake, as he felt his orgasm shredding through his body in

small waves. Sasuke loved it when they fucked like this. It was hard, rough, a little bit painful but

so fucking good.

And to annoy Naruto a little bit more he says, "If you're going to achieve your goal of fucking my brains out, you are going to have to try harder than that."

And with an annoyed grunt, Naruto plunges inside Sasuke getting a big yelp from the raven

underneath him. Naruto soon felt his orgasm nearing, so he reaches down between Sasuke's

legs, and starts stroking his arousal.

"Fuck, fuck," Sasuke repeatedly says.

Naruto chuckles throatily and says, "What can't take anymore."

But he doesn't get an answer from the raven, only a mouth full of moans that were escaping.

Soon Naruto captured Sasuke's lips, kissing him furiously, and Sasuke moaned into it, their

tongues tangling, as he tightened himself around Naruto.

With a sharp cry, Naruto came, with his hips jerking unevenly against Sasuke as he spilled into

him. A couple more thrusts and Sasuke's body was thrown into a fit of spasms, as Naruto

massages his dick. Naruto then pulls out of Sasuke, as Sasuke slips to the floor in exhaustion.

An involuntary moan spills from his mouth as Naruto's tougnue slide against his now sensitive

hole. He couldn't lie that he had liked it, fuck, he had loved it. He reached behind him, and laces

into Naruto's hair, moaning as Naruto licks his now leaking hole. Sasuke had become like this

and it was all because of Naruto!

Kuruma: "Okay guys, this is the end of the Naruto x Sasuke story. Bye, hope you enjoyed it. And author-chan hopes so too. Byeeee."

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