The First Day Of School

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~Leah's P.O.V~
As Charlie, Luke and I made our way toward the school, that stupid gang spotted us. I clenched my fist. I might be a bit girly, but I know how to punch. "Hey! Look! It's Char-loser!" One of them shouted.
"Here we go." Charlie groaned, rolling her eyes. they swiftly ran toward us and pretty soon, we were surrounded. "Look, just back away, and there won't be any trouble." Charlie explained, quite frustrated and angry by the looks of things.
"And believe me, there WILL be trouble." Luke added, rolling up his sleeves. "Ooh, I'm so scared!" The leader announced sarcastically.
"Right! That's it!" I shrieked, throwing my bag on the ground and speed walking up to the so-called leader of the group. I grabbed the top of his shirt and used my clenched fist to hit him in the nose. He stumbled back and held his nose, trying to regain his balance. "Why you little-" he cried, but I interrupted him with a slap to the face. "Leave my friends alone, or you'll get more where that came from." I said, walking back to Charlie and Luke. "Scat!" I said, quickly peering over my shoulder. The gang were tumbling over each other trying to run away, the guy I punched holding his nose, and I found that quite funny. when they were out of sight, I clenched my fist again and kissed it. "Ow." I moaned, slamming my hand into my other open hand, like they do when they're threatening to beat people up. (I actually do this BTW) "Thanks for that, but they're gonna get their revenge you know." Charlie said to me as we walked into school. "Eh, I don't mind. Revenge is a dish best served cold." I replied.

"Oof!" I suddenly cried, stumbling backwards and falling to the floor. We were in the locker rooms and there was one long strip of a corridor running down the centre, with lockers along the sides. I rubbed my head and looked up. "Er... Hi Leah." He greeted nervously. "Leave me alone Alex." I groaned, standing up and pushing my ex-boyfriend out the way. Alex was my first boyfriend, until I found out he was seeing another girl. I was jealous at first, until I saw her profile pic on twitter. Alex had quite short blonde hair and he also had pitch black eyes. "Look, I'm sorry Leah. give me another chance." He pleaded, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. "I won't give you another chance if it kills me." I replied sternly, grabbing his wrist and pushing it away from me. The halls were slowly filling up and students were flooding the corridor. "You can and you WILL give me another chance!" He argued, stepping closer to me. I smiled. looking behind me, I made sure that I could have space to run. One thought was going through my mind, and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. "Kick him in da balls and run away." Was what I was chanting in my head. So, I followed my guts. I struck my leg upwards and spun around. "Why you son of a-" He cursed, holding his crotch and falling to his knees, but I ran too fast and too quick to hear the rest. I pushed and shoved people out the way, causing a few swears, but I managed to get to the side courtyard eventually, which was a few doors down the corridor and the fourth door on the left, with Luke and Charlie following close behind. As we stopped in the middle of the courtyard, with students walking, jogging and running around us, we all exchanged glances, had an awkward silence and then collided into an enormous round of laughter. "I guess you took my words to heart then." Charlie laughed, opening her bag and pulling out a water bottle. "What did you say?" Luke asked curiously. "I said, and I quote: if you ever need to deal with bullies, think about these eight words and listen to them; kick 'em in da balls and run away! End quote." She chanted. "Well, that's two types of bullies done, now we just need to live 'till the end if the day." I groaned. "There's something fishy about Alex, but I just can't put my finger on it." Luke said, stroking his chin as if he has got a beard.
(While we skip blah blah blah boring school stuff that nobody wants to talk about, shoutout to Nancy_Gamer for writing awesome stories and reading my book!!)

~Luke's P.O.V~
"Finally!" I sighed, falling backwards onto the couch behind me, the girls on either side of me. "Soo... what do you wanna do?" Charlie asked, turning to face Leah and I, crossing her legs. I looked down and saw that my shirt was quite damp because we all had a parkour race all the way home, and Charlie accidentally lost her footing a couple of times. Thank god for my fast reflexes. "I know, I know!" Leah shrieked in my ear, causing me to wince. "Keep it down guys, otherwise I'm gonna get a headache!" My mum called from the kitchen. "What is it then?" I asked. "What about...
YAYYYY!! First chapter of the sequel done!! Sorry it's not a long one, but it's a start. Welcome back to the world of drama and fun!! And I would like to give a special shoutout to one of my friends who made the "kick him in da balls and run away" quote up. Hope you guys like it.

Stay Strong Guys,
P.S- I'm gonna make it more story worthy in the next chapter, so just wait for reading all the details un the next chapter...ewww!

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