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~Amy's P.O.V~
The birds tweeted happily as my eyes fluttered open, revealing the ceiling of my bedroom. I turned onto my side and saw Squid snoring softly, hugging the pillow under him. I giggled softly before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead as to not wake him. Luckily, he didn't stir, so I carefully withdrew the covers from my body and slipped my feet into my pink bunny slippers. I trekked down the silent hall and went to check on Charlie. Fortunately, it was just a sprain, and it recovered in an hour, but she has a bluey pinky bandage around her lower leg. I peeked in to see her collapsed form on the covers. Smiling, I shut the door gently and went downstairs. "I think we need a break before we do this whole battle thing." I pondered while tipping water into the kettle and boiling it. Suddenly, strong arms snaked around my waist. I turned around to see Squid with a coy smirk plastered over his face. "Don't you play that face with me, mister." I said cheekily, standing on my toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. (Cause he's taller, right?) "Eww!" A voice squealed from behind us. Squid and I both turned around to see Charlie on the stairs giggling at us. "What's so funny?" Squid asked in a pretend annoyed voice. "Oh shush." I said, playfully pushing him out the way. "Can we do something fun today? You know, before we go all serious and start a battle plan." Charlie asked, heading toward the dining table. "Well, let's get ready and then we'll go visit Stampy. But only after breakfast." Squid piped up,placing some toast into the toasting-popping thing with a cheeky grin. He had an idea.

(While we wait for them to get to Stampy's, Shoutout to @PuppyLoveBT simply because it's her BIRTHDAY! Everyone PLEASE tell her Happy Birthday since she turned 13 today! If not today, then Yesterday!)

"What do you want to do then?" Stampy chirped happily. Everyone got called for a meeting so it's fair to everyone about what we're gonna do. "What about a race? First one to get from one side of the clubhouse to the other then back again gets to decide." Luke explained, leaning against the clubhouse wall next to Ollie. "The kids can do it, I'm not sure us adults have the space to run." Ash stated, leaning against the table.

"Are you ready? Take your marks, get set...GOAT!" Finnball called, and Ollie, Leah, Charlie and Luke all took one step forward with grins spread across their faces, but in a split second it turned from grins to glares as they stare-downed Finnball. "Ha ha, now be serious!" Leah said, parking herself back in a starting position along with all the others. "Take your marks, get set, GO!" Finnball yelled, slamming his arm through the air, and all four took off sprinting to the other wall. As soon as they got to the other end, Charlie and Ollie took a sharp turn, which was surprising since Charlie still had her bandage on. Leah, slipped and Luke just ran straight into it, like it wasn't there at all. "I win!" Ollie screeched from the other wall. We all cheered and he walked into the middle of the room. "You cheated!" Luke yelled, smiling. "Learned from the best." Ollie replied mischievously. A lot of 'ooh's and 'ahh's came from the adults, including me. By now, all the adults had formed a circle around the four teenagers and I smiled widely. "Ooh! Do you need Ice for that burned area?" Leah laughed, taking sides, obviously. "That's not fair! Dad?! You're with me!" Luke exclaimed, grabbing Ash's arm and dragging him into the social circle. "You know what? Let just get this whole thing started." Charlie said quickly, before drawing a water balloon and throwing it right in Ollie's face. "Bullseye!" She screamed excitedly, causing everyone to laugh. "What was that for?" Ollie grumbled, shaking the water off his face. (?) "That was for sassing my cru-Er, friend." She replied quickly before blushing bright red. Luke glanced at Charlie, smirked and raised an eyebrow, to which she chuckled nervously. "Did you just say 'crush'?" He asked her.

~Charlie's P.O.V~
"Ooh... Things are gonna get awk-ward!" Stampy chirped in a sing-song voice. i chuckled nervously and glanced over at Leah, hoping she would understand why my eyes were bulging out of their sockets. Luckily she got the message, grabbing a water bomb and throwing it at the back of his head. "You wanna play it like that, do ya?" He laughed. "Oh it's on! It's on like Donkey Kong!" I exclaimed, grabbing a water bomb and seemingly aiming for Ollie, but throwing it straight at Finnball. "LETS DO DIS!!" He yelled, but was interrupted by a load of 'nope's.

"Okay, Charlie, Luke, Netty, Squid, Rosie and Sqaishey in one team, me, Lee, Ollie, Leah, Finnball, Ash, and Amy in another." Stampy explained, grabbing a water bomb and throwing it straight at me. I closed my eyes to avoid water getting into them but just as I was about to, I saw Luke out of the corner of my eye sprint toward me. "I'm so awesome!" He yelled, jumping in front of me like someone would do if there was a bullet. I took my chance and threw it right into his curly hair. I turned my head to see Ash trying to ambush Squid who was hiding behind the table. "Squid! Behind you!" I warned, and he turned around and threw a balloon right into his face. "Charlie!" Luke called, and I stepped back to see a balloon whirling past me and into the top of his pants. "Why, Charlie, why?" He groaned, before speed walking out of sight. "Sorry!" I yelled, before looking around me. It looks like I'm the only one who wasn't wet. Stampy got Sqaishey, Finnball got Amy, Lee got Ollie, Squid got Ash, Leah got Rosie and so on. Suddenly, I felt a gush of water consume my body, shivers getting sent down my spine. I turned around to see Luke with a smug grin on his face holding a bucket. My face softened an I grinned widely. "Uh oh!" Luke said nervously. "I think somebody needs a hug!" I joked, wrapped my arms around him, hoping to get him soaked. "Aww, Charlie!" Luke groaned jokily. "Right, now we need to clear ourselves up." I heard Lee say.
Yay! Okay, now I think it's time for some romantic chapters, don't you think? What do you think Luke feels about Charlie now? Does he like her back? Did she really say 'crush'? Does Ollie love sassing people? Who knows? Maybe some of these questions will answer themselves in the next chapter. Also, I want as many people to go onto @PuppyLoveBT's Message board and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, with the hashtag, #HappyBirthdayPuppy. I will check! Hehe. That's all

Stay Strong Guys,

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