Challenge Time! Part 1

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~Charlie's P.O.V~
"What about the duct tape challenge?" Leah suggested, leaning over the couch to pull out a roll of duct tape from under it. "How do you know where I hide the duct tape?" Luke laughed, snatching the roll off her. "I'm your cousin. I know EVERYTHING about you." Leah said smiling.
"Aren't I?"
"Okay guys, are we gonna play or not?" I asked, getting up and walking towards the door. "where do you think you're going?" Luke asked, turning to face me. "Well, we're gonna need a wheely chair, don't we?" I stated, opening the door. "I've got one in my room. let's go there." Luke said, getting up and standing beside me. "Wait for me!" Leah yelled, leaping off the couch.

(While the teens get tired and pant like dogs, shoutout to @pickles04 for thinking about predictions and making me wonder what he/she is thinking!⚡️)

"I win!" I yelled, sprinting through Luke's bedroom door. It had white walls, yellow carpet and a green desk in the corner. In front of the desk was an Orange wheely chair, bathing in all it's glory. "Right, who's first?" Leah asked, walking over to the chair and pulling it into the centre of the room.

"Alphabetical order?" Luke suggested, sitting on his blue bed. "Yeah!" Leah agreed, sitting down next to him. "Nu-uh! Noooope!" I protested, shaking my head and crossing my arms. "Please?" Leah begged, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Never!" I chuckled. "Fine, but can you test if the chair is comfortable? I don't want my butt to hurt." Luke asked. "Have you got duct tape on you?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes. "Aww, it's still downstairs!" Leah moaned, getting up and walking to the door. "You test the chair and I'll get the tape." she explained, walking out the door. I sighed and walked toward it.

I sat down and it really did feel comfy. "Hey, this is really comfortable." I told Luke, sitting up straight and placing my arms on the arm rests. "Good." Luke said from behind me. I was about to turn around when I felt something wrap around my chest, attaching me to the chair. "Luke!" I groaned, as he wrapped duct tape around my chest and the back of the chair, making it harder and harder for me to move. "Where did you even get that anyway?" I asked, giving up struggling. I decided to wait until he had finished. "You should always carry a spare roll of duct tape under your bed, just in case." He grunted. Luke finished wrapping the tape on my chest just as Leah came back into the room. "You trolled me!" I complained, pointing to Leah, but not for long, as Luke grabbed my wrist an taped it to the chair. As the pressure on my wrist got tighter and tighter, I blurted something out that I never wanted to say. "Thank God for long sleeve shirts!" "I thought you hated long sleeve shirts." Leah asked, confused. "Oh, well, I don't like hair being ripped off my arms, do I?" I replied.

Pretty soon, both my wrists were taped to the chair, and Leah joined in too. "That's enough! I won't ever be able to get out of th-" I started, but Leah placed a strip of duct tape over my mouth. I tried to tell them both to knock it off, since they were both taping my legs together, which is double the struggle. (Say that really fast 6 times!) "Done!" Leah announced as she stood up and threw the spare tape on Luke's bed. "Go!" She yelled again, using a timer on her phone. I twisted my wrists, trying to get my hands free, but no luck. "YOLO!" I thought. I clenched my fists and launched forward, hearing the satisfying rip of the tape on my chest. I thought about wanting to punch Luke in the face for pranking me, so I violently pulled my arm away from the chair, hearing another rip. Then, the same for my other arm, but I didn't forget to take the tape off of my mouth either. "Did it!" I yelled, standing up, but I forgot that my legs were together, so as I tried to walk toward them, I fell on my face. "Not yet!" Luke laughed. I groaned and drew my knees to my chest. "20 seconds!" Leah yelled, diverting her eyes between me and the phone. I felt around the tape until I felt a rough line, the end. I gripped it and un-wrapped it around my legs, which were asleep. "Now I've done it!" I shrieked, standing up, but falling over again. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm just before I hit the ground. I turned my head to see Luke holding my wrist. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and used his arm as a support to help me up. "Yeah. let me just stomp around like a hippo on fire to get my legs awake." I explained, letting go of him and jumping up and down.

"Whoop! Who's next?!" I yelled, plopping myself down on the floor. Leah was just staring at her phone in shock. "Are you okay Leah?" Luke asked, waving his hand in front of her face. "Uh... That duct tape was the strongest duct tape in all of the whole wide worlds, and you just broke free like it was easy. That's why you lost feeling in your legs." She explained. "My question still stands; who's next? And that means I'm strong!" I replied, striking a pose. "I'll go! I'm gonna beat that time of yours: eleven seconds to spare, pssh, I could do that in one minute!" Luke said, sitting down In the chair. "How did I fall for that joke? You sit in that chair every day!" I said, leaning back and using my hands to support me. "You snooze, you lose. and you snoozed because you didn't pay attention!" Luke replied. "Now, is someone gonna tape me to the chair or not?"
Another chapter for yous! And there are gonna be three or four parts for this, so expect more challenges! That's all!

Stay Strong Guys,

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