The Escape

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~Charlie's P.O.V~
My eyes fluttered open as I was greeted with my chest feeling tight, and a very bad headache. The ceiling and walls were made out of obsidian with only a few torches dotted around the place. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head in the process. "I'm glad you're awake." A voice said in through the darkness beside me. I turned around to see Luke sitting down on a small bench supported by chains on the edges. "And I you." I replied smiling. (very olden times, isn't it?) He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "How's your shoulder?" I asked, getting up and sitting down beside him. "Doesn't hurt. I can move freely now, which is good." He answered. "I know that it's a bad time, but what were you gonna ask me? You know, at the fire station?" I asked curiously, trying to not sound too eager. "Now's not the time Charlie, but I'll tell you as soon as we get home." He said, but I could sense uncertainty in his voice. "If, you mean." I thought. Then, I heard keys rattle in the lock so we both quickly sat down onto the floor and laid down in the position we woke up in and I shut my eyes to pretend that I was still knocked out. The door creaked open and I heard footsteps echo throughout the cell, and my heart started to pound in my ears. "I know you're awake." A voice said. I didn't dare move. "Get up." He said again, his voice rising. "I said, GET UP!" He yelled, kicking me in the stomach. I tried hard to not let the pain show, and all that was seen was the twitch of an eye. "Fine. I'm coming back in an hour. hopefully you'll be up then." The voice explained, and I heard footsteps grow further and further away. As soon as I heard the door close and the footsteps sink into darkness, I groaned in pained and clutched my stomach. "Charlie! Are you okay?" Luke asked frantically, kneeling by my side. "Yep! Totally fine, now let's just find a way to escape." I replied as coolly as possible. I staggered to get up with Luke helping me when his face lit up. "Light...bulb." He laughed, looking above his head. I giggled and steadied myself. "So, what's the plan?" I asked mysteriously. "First, you gotta make me angry." He explained, bouncing up and down on his toes and shaking his arms out. "Uh... You are a disgrace to your family? Erm... You're a mistake, And a fail, you couldn't slap an Apple if you tried, and you would lose a fight to a baby!" I said uneasily. I'm not really a mean person, so I don't really know what insults to throw at him. "There we go!" He said happily, his eyes "Don't ask. My mother passed it down to me, and I'm pumped!" He explained, walking to the bars and bending them easily. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Luke's voice was hushed to a whisper now, so I knew that there was danger lurking about. I nodded and obeyed what he said, following him through a corridor of netherrack brick.

Suddenly, I coughed. I didn't know where it came from, it just came out. "Hey! Was that a girl's cough? No girls allowed here! Find her and take her to the boss. Hopefully he'll know what to do with it." A voice yelled from around the corner. "Run!" Luke whisper-shouted, grabbing my arm and dragging me down the corridor. I frantically looked around for somewhere to hide, and I luckily found a broom closet. "Over here!" I whispered, dragging him over to the closet, opening the door and pushing him inside. I shut the door an we were immediately engulfed in darkness, and the only comfort was Luke's breathing that I could feel on the back of my neck. My heart was pounding as I heard footsteps sound through the corridors, and shouts of, "Find her!" And "Don't rest until we've got her!" Were heard from the guards. I felt Luke's arms wrap around my shoulders as he pulled me tighter to him. I was so close, in fact, that I could hear his heart pumping. It was just as fast as mine.

"Cough." Luke instructed, pulling one of his arms off my shoulders. "But won't we get heard?" I asked worriedly, turning around to face him. "No. This is solid wood. You can hear from the outside but not from within." He answered. Luckily, I needed to cough anyway, as I had to loosen my lungs. "Got it." He whispered happily, pulling out a tape recorder and turning it to full volume. "Why do you need it?" I questioned, putting my ear to the door and listening to see if any movement could be heard. "Come on, you'll see." Luke said mischievously, pushing the door open and rushing out, pulling me with him. "Now, I'm gonna use this to use as a distraction. Everyone will be attracted to here, and we can make a run to it. There's a five second pause before it starts so we can run." He explained. I nodded as he set the recorder against the wall and pressed play, but not before setting it on loop.

When Luke pressed play, We grabbed each others' arms and started running. "I can hear her! Over here!" A voice screamed from behind us, but we turned the corner before he saw where we were going. "There's the entrance!" Luke pointed out, showing a nether-fence gate, leading out into a lake of trees. "Let's go!" I said excitedly, gripping his wrist and practically dragging him out of the base. "Come on! Let's run! I know that home is north, and I'm pretty sure it's that way." I stated, pointing straight through the middle of the forest. "HEY!! COME BACK HERE ROGHT NOW!!!" A voice yelled behind us. I turned around to see fifteen guards heading towards us with nets and ropes. "RUN!!" Luke screamed, but I couldn't move. Fear took over, and I was petrified. "Charlie! RUN!" Luke cried, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the forest. My legs finally found themselves and I was able to run on my own, only fear keeping me going.

"AAGGGHHH!!!" I screamed, tumbling to the ground. The guards were quite a way behind, so we could just about get away with a few slip-ups. Luke and I luckily managed to keep up with each other, so we didn't have to stall. "Are you okay Charlie?" Luke asked worriedly, (once again) putting my arm around his shoulder and lifting me up. "I think I might've sprained my ankle. But don't worry, I'll still be able to run." I said confidently. "Are you sure?" He asked curiously as I tried to put weight on my ankle, but it was a painful pain if you know what I mean. (Probably doesn't make sense, does it?) "Maybe...Not." I replied sheepishly, trying to walk as fast as I could down toward the house. "If you walk it will hurt more. Here, let me give you a lift." Luke stated, lifting me off the floor and jogging down the hill. "Luke! Put me down!" I laughed, lightly slapping his shoulder. "Nope!" He chuckled. Luke's smile faded when he heard the guards' shouts get closer, and fast. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and rested my head on his shoulders, hoping that everything would be alright. "There they are! Guys! Over here!" Luke yelled happily, and I heard different people yell, "NOO!" From behind us as Luke picked up the pace. I turned my head and saw Stampy, my dad, Ash and Finnball sprinting towards us with a torch in hand. "I'm glad you guys are alright! What happened to Charlie?" Finnball exclaimed as we met in the middle. "She hurt her ankle and I warned her that she'll hurt herself even more if she tried to walk on it, so I have her a helping hand." Luke explained quickly, glancing behind him as the guards got even closer. "Let's go!" My dad cried, taking me from Luke and into his chest. "GET BACK HERE!" The leader of the group Screamed, and we all ran as fast as we could. Well, most of us.
Yayyyyy! I'm sorry that I haven't update in ages! The writes block has been toying with my brain! Hope you like it and I have no idea what I should write next, so that's when you come in! I need your help desperately, so I need you to write some ideas in the comments for the book. No, scrap that. do it for Narnia, and for Aslan! That's your mission, should you choose to accept. That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

P.S- I counted two references from two different movies in there.

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