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~Luke's P.O.V~
We all walked outside to dry off in the sun, so all the adults have prepared a picnic while us teens get to goof around and have a lot more fun. "I feel so wet!" Charlie cried, her arms out like a bird, looking down at her soaking clothes. "You're welcome!" I chuckled. "You want another hug?" She asked bluntly. I scoffed. "I'm already wet, what's a little bit more?" I replied cheekily. "What do you wanna do tonight then?" Ollie asked, Leah and himself joining the conversation. "Ooh! I've got an idea! Ollie, you're helping me. It's a surprise for you two." Leah exclaimed unexpectedly, dragging Ollie to Stampy and sitting down next to him. Charlie stood next to me, looking at Leah cluelessly while she whispered something into Stampy's ear. He smiled and nodded his head before Leah hugged him, giggling wildly. "Uh oh..." I hummed, rocking back and forth on my feet. Ollie walked back to us with a small, satisfied grin on his face. "You MIGHT want to get ready for Truth or Dare, screaming, pillow fights and embarrassing gossip." He stated. Charlie and I exchanged glances, the type of look that says 'you-know-what-this-means-and-good-luck.' "Let's have some fun!" Leah shrieked from behind me, making me jump in surprise. I looked at her for a second before laughter escaped my lips, and soon, everyone was laughing.

"Okay, what about a nice simple game of tag? It will help our clothes dry quicker and we could do with the exercise." Ollie suggested. All four of us were sitting in a circle on the green grass, still wet unfortunately. "All those in favour..." I said, raising my hand. All four hands went straight up, so we all stood, readying ourselves. "Alright then! But I think that Ollie should start since he suggested it." I pointed out, and everyone murmured in agreement while Ollie crossed his arms. "Alright then." he simply said, clawing out to tag me, but I dodged just in time and started running to the adults.

"Gangway!" I yelled, jumping over Finnball, his face narrowly dodging my boot. "Oi! Watch out!" He laughed, and I smiled as I heard Charlie's giggling following me. "I guess Ollie tagged her." I thought. Boy, I hate to admit this, but I think her giggle is adorable. I dodged around the rest of the adults, now with their gained attention and I did the first thing that sprung to mind as I was nearing the lake. I jumped. I landed with a big splash as water soaked my clothes through and through. As my head cleared the surface, I looked at Charlie who had a look of defeat on her face. "We're playing this game so we do NOT wet! You're gonna freeze!" She laughed, but I just swam a little bit further out. "Let's face it, we're not gonna get dry anytime soon." I said in reply. "I'm not going in there." She protested. "Then at least pull me out." I begged sarcastically, swimming back to her and reaching out my hand. She sighed and grabbed it, but instead of letting her pull me out, I pulled her in. She let out a surprising scream as she came into contact with the water, muffling all sounds. As she surfaced, her face made me produce a small burst of laughter. "I hate you!" She laughed splashing water in my mouth, making me choke it all out. "Well since we're already in here, let's get the others. But let's remind the adults that what we're gonna do is pretend. Okay?" Charlie said cheekily. I nodded my head. "GUYS! THE NEXT THING WE'RE ABOUT TO DO DOES NOT NEED NECESSARY HELP!" Charlie screamed, making me wince. Squid and my dad replied with an 'okay.' "So, what are we gonna do?" I asked mischievously. She swam over to me and as she whispered in my ear, my eyes widened in surprise. "You're naughty." I joked. "Three, Two, One.." she counted. "HELP!" We screamed in unison. We had to pretend we're drowning so we could get them both in the water. They'd protest every other way. Sure enough, they came sprinting out of their hiding places and they both did a perfect dive into the water. Charlie and I smiled at each other before treading water normally. "Hey, I thought you were drowning." Ollie said, obviously confused. "We want to play a water game and this was the only way to get you guys in." Charlie replied casually. "Well, what are we going to play?" Leah asked curiously. I grinned widely before replying, "SHARK ATTACK!"

I was swimming as fast as I could, hot on Ollie's tail. "Go on Ollie!" Leah yelled, while Charlie was yelling, "Come on Luke!" I briefly grabbed Ollie's ankle before swiftly switching directions, swimming away from him and toward the girls.

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