Fight! Fight! Fight!

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~Luke's P.O.V~
"DING!!!" The school bell sounded for break. "Oh No!" Charlie groaned. We had just finished Geography, where, unfortunately, that gang of boys were in too. we walked into the courtyard but got blocked by around four of them. "Back off!" I said loudly, trying to push one out the way. "Not so fast, Dickhead!" Someone yelled behind me. He grabbed the scruff of my shirt sand whirled me around to face him. I chuckled quietly to myself. "Seriously?" I thought. "I would have thought it was you." I said to Josh, my once best friend. Ever since we left 3rd grade he's been acting like an enemy, and I couldn't understand why.

"You ready to die?" I heard another guy say to Charlie. "Not before you die first!" She retorted, swinging a fist and scoring. I smirked. "That's it!" Josh yelled in front of me, before punching me in the stomach, sending me to the floor in pain. I groaned and clutched my stomach, pain filling it up fast. "Are you okay Luke?!" Leah asked frantically, kneeling down next to me. "How many guys are there?" I asked her, trying to stand up and wincing the process. "Six. I'm not gonna be involved in this. I'll be the donkey holding the bags." She replied, picking up my school bag and Charlie's and running out of the group. "Back off Idiot!" I heard Charlie say. I turned my head and saw her backed up against a pillar, barely dodging punches being thrown at her face. All of a sudden, I felt a big surge of anger rush through me, and I didn't know why. "Strike upwards!" I yelled at her, struggling to get up. She winked at me and kicked the boy holding her in the groin. I ran toward Charlie and grabbed the shirt of a Blonde haired boy who was about to tackle her from behind. He was a little bit shorter than me so I had a small advantage. "Back off!" I screamed in his face, before kneeing him in the crotch and throwing him into the white marble pillar. "Look out Luke!" Charlie screamed behind me. Everything went in slow motion as I turned around and saw a fist flying toward me. My eyes widened and I ducked just in time, crouching to the side, swiping his feet from under him. Then, everything sped up again. "Step off!!" I yelled angrily. "EVERYONE STAY WHERE YOU ARE!! DO NOT MOVE A MUSCLE!!" A dark, evil voice yelled. I smiled. "I just moved over a hundred. What can you do about it?" I whispered to Charlie who was next to me. A whole crowd of People gathered in the middle of the courtyard, so I grabbed Charlie and Leah's hands and walked into the outskirts of it. "Softie." Leah said in my ear. I blushed and let go off of their hands. I looked up to see the legend of a character holding a red megaphone. "No. No, it can't be." I whispered, grabbing the girls' hands again. "May the following children please step forward; Luke Jacobs, Leah Garret and Charlie Spencer." He chanted through the megaphone. I knew what was next so I dragged them back with me as the entire crowd stepped back too. Then another step, and another. We carried on stepping back until we reached the portal." I need to tell my Mother. We need to leave." I whispered, pulling them out of the crowd and launching into the portal without another word being said.

As we were going through the portal, I heard a whooshing sound. I looked behind me to see an arrow heading straight for Charlie, so I dived in front of her as it hit me directly in the shoulder. I screamed in pain as we arrived at home, landing on my school bag. "I'll get help!" Leah yelled. She was clearly panicking, but I didn't pay any attention to her. "You shouldn't have done that Luke. I could've handled it myself." She explained, ripping a piece of cloth from her red, long sleeve shirt. She wrapped it around my injury, and it quickly soaked up blood.

"What happened?!"
Another chappie finished!! Yay! Is this a cliffhanger? I don't know, but who cares?! Shoutout to sqampylove for letting me borrow Ash's last name from her story!! I told you I needed it, didn't I? Anyway, I'm tired now so I'm gonna rest, BUT...! I almost forgot, Don't forget to spam Stampy on Twitter, Facebook or whatever, saying, "don't forget to do the subtitle thing!" And if you only have Instagram, tag Squid in a picture of minecraft or something and Comment saying, "Tell Stampy to not forget to do the Subtitle thing!" Seriously, I want them spammed out. They did say to spam them anyway though, didn't they? That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

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