...Uh Oh...

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~Ash's P.O.V~
As we saw the raindrop ride come into view I knew we did it. Stampy and I were leading the front of the group, and everyone else was following closely. "Switch!" Finnball called behind us, and after a few moments I was at the back and Finnball and Stampy were at the front. It was just as well because I was beginning to tire. I knew that HTT wouldn't let his guards give up that easily, and I had a gut feeling that he had something up his sleeve. Making sure that I was the only one at the back, I slowed down to see if they were still following us. Turning slowly, I saw HTT with an evil grin plastered on his face, following close behind. "Guys! HTT! Run toward the forest!" I screamed, running as fast as I could, but I still stayed behind the group because I needed to make sure that they were okay at least.

"Stay together!" Luke yelled, as we entered the woods. I ran beside Squid and glanced at Charlie's leg. A big gash stretched over her shin, as well as her sprained ankle, though there were no signs of it. Her knuckles were white, from gripping Squid's light blue shirt. She had her eyes closed tightly and Squid kissed her forehead as a sign of reassurance. I smiled briefly before falling back a bit, and I turned around to see HTT with a flint and steel in his hand, leaning casually against a tree. I saw him stand up straight and made it a hell of a load harder for us by setting the tree on fire, and the embers spread faster than you could say, "Plunge". Eyes widened, I turned my head and screamed at the top of my lungs, "FIRE!". I heard heavy footsteps behind us and I unsheathed my sword. Fire engulfed our surroundings as the trees were set ablaze. "Luke! Take Charlie! I need to get to my sword!" Squid called, and Luke slowed down as they transferred Charlie to each other. She wrapped her arms around Luke's neck and he took off running down a path.

~Luke's P.O.V~
I followed a small path made of twigs and leaves as all the trees turned into torches, lighting up our surroundings. Charlie clung onto me tightly as I ran, my energy clearly coming from fear, and fear only. Beads of sweat gently rolled down my forehead. Suddenly, I heard a crunching sound as a huge tree came crashing down, blocking my path in the process. I panted heavily as I swerved on my heel, running back to where I came, spotting everyone sprinting to come up to us. I stopped abruptly as another tree came tumbling down in front of us, and we were trapped. "Luke! Are you okay?" My Father yelled through the flames as they all came to the edge of the blazing tree, and I saw the glint of worry in his eyes. "I'm fine!" I replied, looking around frantically for a way to escape, but there was a circle of flames surrounding us, and I sighed heavily. Startled, I heard something drop down and land behind me. Upon hearing it, I turned around, unable to fathom about what would happen next. "Now, you know where the thing I want is." He said in a matter-of-fact voice. "What are you talking about?" I lied. I knew exactly what he was talking about. The Ender Egg. It is thought that it's the most powerful thing in the universe, and if it hatches in the wrong hands, the whole of Minecraft would be in extreme danger. It happened from a glitch that still hasn't been repaired simply because Notch has no idea it exists. The egg is supposedly containing a rare type of power, that if in the wrong hands, could be fatal. "You know very well what I'm talking about!" HTT hissed sharply, making me jump at his sudden change of tone. "No, I don't!" I insisted, holding Charlie ever so slightly closer to me. "Let me put it this way; you don't tell me where it is, I'll make life a whole lot harder for you and your father and friends." he said casually. "I...I..Uh..." I stuttered. I didn't know what to do. "Well, just thought you'd know." He stated, before snapping his fingers. The fire went out and he disappeared. "Are you alright Luke?" My dad asked, walking up to me. Lee and Squid seemed to be able to chop the tree and move the dead wood aside. "Yeah, just confused." I replied. I honestly was. What just happened? Will we be okay? What WILL happen? "Let's get you two home and into bed, but first we have to treat your leg Charlie." He continued.

"Can I try to stand?" She asked unexpectedly. My dad nodded and I gently put her down. She placed her bad leg on the ground slowly, her arms still wrapped around my neck, and I wrapped my arm around her lower back to support her. "How did you escape?" Stampy asked, walking up to me. "Erm... You know what my mother has?" I asked, my voice hushed to a whisper. His brows furrowed as he tried to identify what I was saying. "You know..." I pointed out, wiggling my eyebrows. "Oh! Clever!" He seemed to understand and I heaved a small sigh of relief. "Shall we get back?" Finnball asked, turning around and S-L-O-W-L-Y walking back to the Funland. I looked at Charlie and she nodded. We've got some work to do.
Finally! I can't WAIT to write the next chapter, but I also want to hear your predictions as to what might happen? Things just got heated round here! See what I did there? No? Okay. Hopefully my description about the 'Ender Egg' was good enough for you to understand, because it's very important for the storyline. That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

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