You Too?

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~Charlie's P.O.V~
I couldn't sleep. Tonight was fun, and I was exhasted, but for some reason I couldn't sleep. Sitting up, I looked around the almost pitch-black pillow fort. The boys were snoring softly which made me smile, and Leah was lying with a pillow draped over her lower body; the waist downwards. Silently, I crept out through the entrance of the fort and made my way to the door that leads straight out to the hill- the perfect view to see the waterfall. Sitting down onto the soft grass, I looked over to Stampy's balcony, and sighted Stampy sleeping soundly (Oh yes! Look at that alliteration!) on his bed. I sighed and glanced over at the glistening waterfall, the small ripples wavering from the gust of the wind. "You Too?" A voice sounded behind me. With a small jump I accidentally slid down the hill a bit, bit thankfully I managed to put on the brakes.

"Luke! You startled me." I said. "Sorry, I just couldn't sleep and when I saw you weren't with the rest of us I got a bit worried and started to look for you. At least the first place I looked was out the door, otherwise I'd have to wake up the love-birds." he asked. "Love-birds?" I asked, pulling a confused look. "I'll show you. Come on." He persuaded, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the door, slowing down to a light and steady walk once we were on wood. "Look in there." he whispered in my ear, pulling the blanket away from the hole. Cautiously, I dropped onto my knees and crawled into the fort, avoiding the creaky planks.

Once I was inside, I looked to my right and saw Ollie's arm around Leah's waist, and it looked like they were in a deep sleep as well. "Aww!" I cooed under my breath. As I walked past Luke, I whispered the words, "I totally ship it" in his ear, and out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw a small smile forming. We sat down on the hill once again, listening to the birds tweet happily. "Who knew birds started to chirp at three in the morning?" Luke joked, looking up to the sky. Out of the corner if my eye I saw him shift uncomfortably. "Are you okay?" I asked concernedly, turning to look at him. My eyes widened at surprise at how close he was to my face. He must've scooted closer to me because I certainly didn't sit this close to him before. "I..uh...erm... The moon's pretty tonight, isn't it?" He replied hurriedly, desperate to change the subject as he scooted farther away from me. "Hehe, nice try, but we're not finished with this JUST yet." I teased, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to me. "Fine." He admitted. I looked at him expectantly. "Remember that day when you wanted to know who I liked?" He started. I nodded. "Well, the answer is, the girl who lives in this world with me, and I'm looking at her right now." he went on. I turned around, half-expecting someone sitting behind me, but there wasn't anyone there. "M-me?" I stuttered, immediately cringing at my stuttering. "Is there any other girl here?" He joked. "Well..." I started with a smirk. "Don't answer that." he said quickly, knowing full well that I wasn't the only girl in this world. "Awwww!" A distant voice cooed. I looked around to see Stampy leaning on his balcony, his gaze fixed on us with a huge grin on his face, even I could see it even though we were quite far away. "Stampy..." I muttered with frustration laced within my words. "Goodnight!" Luke yelled at him, waving him away. He held his hands up in an I-surrender position before scurrying back inside.

"Well, now what?" I asked curiously, as we both stared at the waterfall. "I'm... not sure actually." he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. "What was that?!" I said quickly, my eyes darting around behind us. "Who's there?!" Luke yelled out, shifting in his spot. A big blur of fur came darting out and landed on top of me, sending me downhill a little bit. I laughed as his tongue licked my skin. "Fido! Get off!" I cried, laughing out loud. "Luke! Little help here?"

He didn't do anything. Nothing at all. He just sat there laughing at me. "Luke! I'm warning you!" I groaned, but a smile still managed to creep onto my face. "Okay! Fido! Come here, boy!" He coaxed, and I soon felt a weight being lifted of my shoulders. Literally. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked over at Luke, who was bouncing around every time Fido tried to pounce on him. "Go find dad!" I laughed, pointing to the way he came.

"Well, that was eventful." He breathed after he finally got Fido off of him. I suddenly yawned. "I'm tired too. Wanna sleep on it?" Luke asked, rubbing his eyes. "Yep. I can't wait to see how tired we'll be tomorrow. I bet there'll be a meeting for something like that." I responded. "Well, come on then!" He said with a smile, standing up and pulling me with him.

Once we went back inside, we peered into the fort to see Ollie and Leah sleeping right next to each other still. "Haven't moved an inch yet." I whispered to Luke behind me before crawling in the fort into my little corner that I made to my liking. Three blankets spread out on the floor along with a small crumpled up one- the one I used to cover my body. Then there were pillows in a circle, just big enough for me to comfortably sleep in. "Care to join me in my corner?" I giggled softly, gesturing to my creation. "Wow, first time I heard you say that." Luke muttered before giving me a grin and a nod. I moved the pillows around so the circle was more of a wonky rectangle; a bit like our fort, and ripped a blanket from the floor underneath me before chucking it on Luke's head, pretending not to see him. "Hey!" He whisper-shouted, throwing a pillow at the side of my head. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, and I desperately tried to not smile, but in the end I was grinning like an idiot. "Sorry." I chuckled, falling on the soft materials around me. "You better not wake me up before we have to." he yawned, dropping right beside me. With one last smile, I cowered under the blanket and started to think about what would happen over the next few days.
I have finished!! Yay! So, hello!

I'm just wondering- Do you want to feel the feels in this book? (If that makes sense!)
Anyway I'm Hungry and imma go eat now! That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

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