The Planning And The Spit-take!

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~Ollie's P.O.V~

Quiet mumbling woke me up that morning. I looked up and saw Charlie muttering, tossing and turning.

I guess she hasn't woken up yet.

Sitting up, I found out that I had been sleeping next to Leah. Thank goodness she didn't know yet either. Wait, yet? Then it clicked, and I groaned before collapsing back onto the pillow. This is going to be planning day. I got up and crawled out of the fort, and that's when I had an idea.

I grabbed a baseball bat and slowly crept towards one of the walls. "Actually, I think I need a partner in crime." I mumbled to myself, dropping the bat quietly and crawling back into the fort.

"Luke... Luke, wake up!" I whispered, spotting him sleeping next to Charlie. "Hmm? Huh...Oh!" He said, rubbing his eyes. "Shhh! I've an idea!" I responded, dragging him out of the fort. "What are you gonna do now, Ollie?" He asked, Annoyance laced within his words. "We're going to give the girls a wake-up call." I replied smugly, showing him the bat. "What are you going to do?" He asked. "Watch and learn kiddo!" I smacked the bat against the mattress wall and it all came tumbling down on top of Leah and Charlie.

"What...? HEY! I'm coming for you boys!!" An angry Charlie yelled from within the bed supplies. "Uh-oh. Let's bolt. You won't like these two when they're angry." Luke said hurriedly, grabbing my shirt and pulling me out the door. Charlie and Leah emerged from the mattresses and when they saw us, all hell broke loose. "There they are!" Leah called, sprinting towards me. That's when I took control and left Luke behind. "Hey! Wait for me!" He yelled behind me, but I was too afraid to get beaten by a girl to slow down. I knew how tough Leah was, and I didn't want to get into her bad books. Glancing behind me, my eyes widened when I saw that she was on my tail. "Wow! How did you run so fast? Did you have an energy drink or something?" I asked breathlessly, still not slowing down. "Sleep is my drug, my bed is my dealer and my alarm; in this case you, are the police." She replied, still not slowing down.

"I HEARD SHOUTING!! WHO DIED?!" Lee joked rather loudly, bursting through the door of the clubhouse. "Lee! Help! These girls are crazy!" Luke shrieked, thus making Charlie giggle and end up grinning like an idiot- seeing as she couldn't laugh due to her running around. "What did you do this time?" He sighed, leaning against the doorframe. That's when I took my chance. It was either now or never here. Speeding towards Lee, I heard Leah edge that little bit closer to me as I slowed down a tiny bit. "Watch it! Coming through! BEEP BEEP! Out the way, thank you!" I cried, ducking under Lee's arm while preparing myself to dive into the bed supplies; and I did. I was about to crawl out from the mass of warmth- AKA the pillaged* fort- when a big weight landed on my back. I struggled to turn around, and when I did I saw Leah straddling my waist. I smirked. "Victory!" She cheered with a huge grin smacked onto her face. "Leah! Have you got the other guy?" Charlie's distant voice echoed through the empty clubhouse. "Yep! I sure do!" She replied, glancing over her shoulder. I did attempt to catch her off guard and use this as my escape route. Keyword there: Attempt. "Jeez, you've got an iron grip! Who are you- Superwoman?" I asked, eventually giving up the struggle. "Oh yeah, and 'The Other Guy' has a name!" I added as a joke, but earning a fake death glare in return. Or at least, I hope it was fake.

Eventually, Leah got off me after entertaining herself with me trying to get her off, but failing. "You know you all are going to have to clean this up, right?" A familiar voice sounded behind us all. We turned around to see the rest of the adults staring amusedly at the pile of sleeping supplies. "Sir, yes sir!" Lee stated mockingly, as well as mocking a salute.

"Okay, so let's plan this out." Stampy started. We huddled around a map on the table along with scattered pieces Of paper with writing scrawled across it. Me, along with Charlie, Luke and Leah had glasses of water sat in front of us. "This is gonna be boring." Leah whispered to the people next to her (Me and Charlie). "Then let's just drink and zone out unless something funny happens." Luke stated, taking a swig of water but keeping it in his mouth, causing his cheeks to puff out. (By the way, it might be more fun if you do this too, just to see what happens.) "Wait! We need something to represent us!" Squid shouted unexpectedly while I was in mid-swig. Now I had a full mouth of water. And just to let you know, we were on the opposite end of the table, away from the papers. "And I've got just the- hang on a minute! I've lost my balls! Stampy! Have you seen my balls?" Squid said, and Stampy's face looked horrified. That's when teenage minds take over. All four of us did a majestic spit-take, followed by laughter by everyone. Apart from Squid, who, funnily enough, didn't quite understand. "What? Why are you all- oh. OH!" He finally got his innuendo and we laughed even harder at his realisation. Once we all calmed down, everyone tried to be all serious again, but to be honest, after something as funny as that, we were in giggle bursts. "So, we are all going to need to organise a search party; to find a stronghold. About a quarter to half of us will be enough. Everyone else will be planning out routes to get through the stronghold, analyse techniques to destroy the dragon, locations of endermen for ender pearls,diamonds and obsidian for the nether to get blaze rods, you know, that sort of stuff. To be clear with you guys, we're gonna need to do a lot of work. So, in addition to all of... that, who wants to go on the search party?" Stampy blurted out like nobody's business. I only just caught on. "Ollie, you can stay here. I hear you've got a knack for analysing things." Stampy added. I just smiled and nodded, pretending to understand when in reality, I was just as confused as the next bear. (Ollie and Lee are brothers remember? Brother Bear! XD)

"I'll go" Charlie volunteered, raising her hand. "Then I will too." Luke stated, lightly drumming his fingers in front of him on the table. Everyone looked at Leah expectantly. "What?" She asked, clearly confused. "I'm staying here! I'm not going on a hunt for a haunted underground base thing looking for a portal to another dimension where we might probably die! I'd much rather stay here and plan. Going out into the field- That is not my job!" She finished with a sassy hand flip. (Whoever got that reference is my best friend!) "Alright then sassy pants." Stampy teased. "I'm with the kids!" Finnball and Squid said almost simultaneously. "You can both be with the ki-wait, which ones?" Sqaishey's statement turned into an enquiry once she had realised the confusion that could be made. "Search party." Finnball spoke for them both and Sqaishey smiled and nodded. "That's four out of what, thirteen? We need roughly around two more." I calculated. "I volunteer as tribute!" Rosie schreeched, shooting her hand in the air. We all laughed at that. "Okay Rosie, you can go. One more person guys!" Stampy announced. "I'm going on an adventure!" Netty shrieked happily. "Six! Now that's done, we can plan out the routes. Now Squid, where are those ba-spheres we need?" Stampy babbled, holding his hand out expectantly. "Catch!" Squid responded, throwing the six spheres over to Stampy, who caught them perfectly. "So, these are you guys." Stampy explained, holding out the 'circles' to the new search party and then placing them on the table. "And you are basically going to be running around all over the place, half of you mining for obsidian and diamonds to get to the nether to get blaze rods and in the meantime, the other half of you will get ender pearls. Then you will actually set off to find the stronghold, where one of you will report back so the rest of us can meet you there and turn it into a base. Are we clear?"

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding as Finnball then said, "Meeting dismissed. Might as well get some rest." We all stood up and I replayed the meeting in my head, allowing a smile to creep onto my face as all of the kids (us) left and travelled past Stampy's bedroom, wandering around aimlessly. "What are you smiling about?" Leah asked me with a glint in her eyes, snapping me back into reality. We were walking in a line and Charlie and Luke walked next to each other, involved in a debate about horses and unicorns. "Just the innuendo." I said mischievously. "Oh Ollie." Leah giggled, shaking her head in amusement.
SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!!!!! I'm sooo sorry I haven't been updating in TWO months. That is one year in Fangirl world!!! :( But on the other side, I'm not dead! YAYY! Anyway, I've just been really busy but luckily the holidays are soon! Woohoo! And who could recognise a reference or two in the chapter? I'd be impressed if you did! In case any of you don't know, pillaged means destroyed. So, That's all.
Stay Strong Guys,

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