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~Ollie's P.O.V~
When I put down my phone, I packed an extra jacket in my water-proof shoulder bag before leaving. I was an expert at losing things so if I got hot and took off my jacket and lost it, at least I would have a spare.

As I arrived at the tree train, I couldn't help but stare at Leah, but I quickly snapped myself out of it. "Hello!" I greeted cheerfully, giving hugs all round. "When did you guys get here?" I asked, leaning against the tree. "Not five minutes ago actually." Leah stated. "There he is!" Charlie announced, pointing to Luke who was carrying a football with his good arm. "Who's gonna guard the goal then?"

(While we get to where we need to be, shoutout to My LIFE for giving me... life!! Yippee!)

"One, Two, Three..." Charlie counted, and Leah, Luke and I all nearly ran over each other as we were playing hide and seek, but thankfully Luke sorted out where to hide. Leah and I both hid on the side of a small hill overlooking the ocean. It was very muddy, and I was quite glad when I knew I could just change my jacket if it got mud all over it, and my brother will never know. "Okay, I'm going to the florist now!" I heard Charlie say sarcastically. "Come on, even I wouldn't fall for that." I chuckled quietly, before sliding down the hill a bit. "What do you mean? Obviously you wouldn't." Leah whispered, sinking down beside me. "Well, I'm dumber than you think." I stated.

"What's one plus one?"


"Then you're not dumb. Only dumb people would say something dumb and I can't even say what dumb people would say."(no offence to any viewers IF they didn't get the sum right, which I highly doubt. this is for entertainment only!)

"Hey, that's actually quite clever." I said, chuckling again. "Now, let's see what happened to Luke shall we?" Leah asked in a posh voice. "Ma'am yes ma'am!" I whisper-shouted, saluting her. I turned around and saw Luke on his knees, his arms restrained by two big men! Our jaws dropped. "We turn our back for five minutes and THIS happened?!" I whispered. "Get used to it. It's gonna be a regular routine soon enough." Leah replied, eyeing the situation closely. I looked back to Luke and saw him looking at the house, then us, the house, then us. "I think Luke is trying to tell us to skedaddle." I pointed out. "Let's go. We need adults for this, it's serious." Leah nodded her head and we both slid down the hill more, and silently to the water. "Stay close to me. it's dark now." I said in her ear, dangling my legs in the water before sliding in. "Don't you think it's a bit cold to swim?" Leah asked me, sitting down too. "Not if our friends' lives depend on it." I replied casually before holding her waist in slowly pulling her in with me. "Now, follow me." I instructed. "Shouldn't you be the one following me?" Leah questioned, laughing a little. "Yeah, second thoughts, I'll follow you." As Leah came in front of me I followed behind, using my legs to kick wide and hard together. (This is breaststroke BTW) This stroke made no sound so we were very lucky.

"Climb out here." Leah said after a short while, pointing to an overhanging ledge. We swam toward it and I grabbed the ledge with my hands, gripping it tight. I took a deep breath in to recover from the hard swim, and pulled myself up onto it, my legs dangling below me. After I pulled my legs up Leah was next, and she did it with ease. "How are you not out of breath?" I exclaimed jokily, walking beside her. She shivered before replying, "Practise. And I didn't work as hard as you." Suddenly, I remembered. I grabbed the zip to my water-proof bag and pulled out my extra jacket before wrapping it around her shoulders. "Thanks." She said gratefully. "Moving on! Hurry up!" I said laughing, and she grabbed my hand as we both sprinted toward the door of the clubhouse, and burst through it. I was so out of breath I couldn't get my words straight, but I think they understood, judging by the gasps and murmurs. "Charlie...Luke...Men...Trouble!!" I managed to choke out in between breaths, placing my hands on my legs and bending down. "Why are you wet?" Lee asked me with a puzzled face. "We swam." Leah replied, rubbing my back. I smiled quickly before standing back up again. "Come on!" I urged, shooing them out the door.

"You got any weapons?" I asked Finnball, who was jogging beside me. "We all do. Under our shirts." He replied, pulling up his T-shirt to reveal two short blades. "Why do you have two?" I asked curiously as he took a deep breath and pulled them out. "As a spare. Can you use it?" He asked back. "Probably." I said mysteriously. "You sound like Lee! Anyway, let's help the others." He said, passing the blade to me. It had one big purple gem at the bottom and a few yellow ones spread across the handle for better grip. "Charlie? Luke?" We called as we were nearing Stampy's hot buns. "Dad! Mom! We're here! By the fire sta-" A male teenage voice cried in reply. "That's Luke!" Leah said worriedly. "Come on! Let's go!" Stampy shouted, whipping out his blade and started to pick up the pace to the Police station. "The fire station! Don't brea-" Another voice screeched, probably finishing Luke's sentence. We all jogged in a line, Leah on one side of me, Lee on the other. As we rounded the last bend, we saw a horse carriage, made of steel, and Luke and Charlie inside! "Hey! Come back with my daughter you eggheads!" Squid yelled suddenly, sprinting out into the battlefield-to-be. I looked at Leah and then at Lee as we exchanged glances. I shrugged my shoulders and yelled, "CHAARRGGEE!!" I gripped my blade tighter as I headed into one of around ten men, instinctively fighting them. I managed to disarm him and hit his head hard (wow, alliteration!) with the bottom of my blade, causing a bruise and a concussion. "Ollie!" Netty called, and I turned my head to see the carriage heading downhill towards the ocean. "Oi! Come back with my friends you chickens!" I screamed, charging down toward it. I managed to grab hold of the edge of a metal plank that's would somehow resemble a door.

All of a sudden, the carriage bounced in the air, making me lose my grip and sent me flying through the air back onto the bank. I stood up immediately, but it was too late to do anything as the carriage was sent plunging I to the water, turning into a submarine type thing. I groaned in frustration. "Guys! Follow me!" Stampy yelled behind me. "Where are we going?!" Most of us questioned, reluctantly stepping forwards. "We're going on an adventure!"
Yay! Sorry for not updating in ages, but the writers block is fricken' insane!! GRRR! And sorry for the crappy writing. I'm just not feeling it today guys! :( I could just rant in Italian if I wanted to. Anyway, hope this is a long chapter, and That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

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