What time is it?!

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~Luke's P.O.V~
    (](](] The Following Night [)[)[)


"Just go to SLEEP!"


"Well Tough bananas!"

"PLLEEEA- Wait, why bananas?"

"LEAAAAHH!!" Ollie groaned. I rubbed my eyes while chuckling. We all camped out in Leah's room for tomorrow and we all slept on the floor because... Well... It's the floor. "Guys! Shut. UP!" Charlie complained, and I heard a pillow being thrown and a soft thud, along with a soft "Ow" that could only belong to Ollie. "It's not me, it's her! She's gone loopy with sleep!" Ollie whined. I groggily got up and switched the light on to see... A mess of a room. It consisted of a bed that wasn't occupied, and four sleeping bags scattered around the room. Ollie and Leah had the right side of the room as their territory and Charlie and I had the left. Charlie's pillow was over Ollie's lap and they both had a grumpy expression plastered over their faces. Leah, on the other hand, was tossing and turning as well as mumbling and hugging her pillow. I snorted as I had jut found out what had happened. "You guys? I think Leah has been sleep talking." And with that I burst into laughter as I recalled what she said before. Soon everyone else (Including Leah since she had just woken up) joined in until we heard a bang on the door. "Who is it?" Leah yelled from the other side of the room, but there was no reply.

While signalling everyone to be quiet, I crept to the door and cautiously opened it. Looking at the door, it was dented.



"You need a new door."

... "Seriously? That all you got?" She said, obviously unimpressed. I looked in the doorway to see a rock with a note tied to it. I tried to see which direction it was thrown in, but to be honest, I was half asleep to even care anymore. Shutting the door carefully and quietly, I knelt down in the middle of the room with everyone crowding around the rock as I peeled it off and opened it. I cleared my throat and read aloud.
Dear Kids,


"Pleasant." Charlie scoffed.

"VERY FUNNY!" Ollie shouted through the house. "WE'RE SERIOUS!" Came the distant reply. "Welp, we better rest for tomorrow since it's like-" Leah started but she paused for a moment as she checked her watch and her eyes widened. "BLOODY HELL IT IS 2 IN THE FREAKIN MORNING!" She blasted. "SHUT UP!" Our dad's yelled distantly in annoyance. "They know we won't anyway." Charlie grinned. "So why bother?" I added. But eventually we did go to sleep again. And I'm actually quite nervous for tomorrow.
I jumped up with a yelp along with everyone else, rubbing my eyes and groaning since I did it too fast, resulting on temporary blindness. "We deserve that." I grumbled, blinking away the sleep and welcoming back my vision.
"Ditto." Ollie replied. "Be prepared everyone, because you've got to get ready to leave!" My dad said. Ugh... "Five more minutes!" A grumpy Charlie mumbled, falling face flat back onto her pil- wait, did she even have a pillow?! "Ow." Her muffled voice came from the floor. "Should've looked for a pillow." Squid said. "Shut up, Dad!" Charlie groaned in annoyance. "Teenagers..." Finnball muttered. "If you don't come downstairs for breakfast, Lee'll sound the horn again." Finnball stated simply. That simple statement was all it took. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I yelled, pushing and shoving my friends out the way to the stairs. What? It was either push or be pushed.

"I WIN!" We both yelled simultaneously, reaching for the door when it swung open, but we dove through anyway. "That was me! I won!"  Charlie yelled happily, prancing around the kitchen in delight. "Nope. Hate to break it to ya kid, but it was me." I said, pointing both thumbs at my chest with a lopsided grin. "Let's settle this the right way then." She said, staring at me. We both stood like that for a long time, not even glancing away as we walked to the table and sat down. I suggested wordlessly for an arm wrestle by placing my elbow on the table and offering her my hand, my expression hard. I swear I saw a tumbleweed out of the corner of my eyes as she wrapped her hand around mine. Even the cowboy music was ringing through my ears. Our eyes were both squinting, analysing the other person's face, but our poker faces weren't fooling anybody because the was a tiny smile in the corner of Charlie's mouth, and my face mirrored hers perfectly. Amy placed her hand on ours. "Three, two, one, DRAW!" And with a whip of her hand, we started to push. Charlie's eye was twitching with determination, but my face was completely blank.

I was winning, and winning, and now level, She's winning, and with one final tremendous burst of strength, a thud landed on the table.

Cheering was heard as the winner grinned a lopsided grin. "And the winner; LUKE!" Amy announced, as everyone was clapping, Charlie came over and gave me a soft clap on the back. "You did good kid, real good." I told her. "Meh, I'm not a sore loser. I'll get over it." She replied.

After the excitement was over, we all finally settled down to have some breakfast which was basically bacon, eggs, toast and orange juice. Stampy told us to grab anything that might be useful to us. For me, I picked food, tools, blocks and some spare materials like sticks and coal.

After we all hugged goodbye, we stood out the door.

"Are you all ready?" Sqaishey asked us, standing by the door with the six of us ready to roll. With a curt nod, Stampy handed Squid a walkie talkie and Finnball a map. "First, you guys find a Stronghold, then contact us when you do or if something happens. Don't look Endermen in the eye and don't bother taking water with you to the nether because it will burn on contact with the ground. Charlie smirked at that and I nodded in understanding at Stampy but in curiosity at Charlie. "Always keep your guard up and when you get to the Stronghold, we'll give you gadget upgrades."

"Why not give them to us now?" Netty asked. "Because they aren't done yet. Now, once again, are you all ready?" Ollie responded, and everyone murmured "Yes". "What time is it?!" My dad shouted. We all immediately caught on, and with big grins, we replied, "ADVENTURE TIME!"
Hiiii!!!! Soo, Not dead. Yay! Sorry! No, wait, I'm not. I take it back, because I have EXCUSES!!!
1. Tumblr
2. Instagram
3. Video games
4. Boredom
5. Books
6. All of the above
I want you guys to tell me something. Since I don't want to stick with one type of book (This Minecraft/MAC fanfics) I want you guys to tell me what Fandoms you're all in- And I mean EVERY fandom. Hell, even video game ones!- and what book I should write next whether it be Third person, one shots, reader inserts, you name it and the one with the most mentions in the comment is the one I'm doing next. (I don't do Anime, sorry!) So whether you're a Sherlockian or a Whovian, LET ME KNOW! And if you want to suggest anything to me, drop a PM and I'll get back to you on that within the period of two days. If I haven't, feel free to spam me until my phone blows up! A friendly conversation between you guys wouldn't be a bad idea either, so if you're having a bad day or you just want to talk to somebody, I'm here with open arms and virtual hugs!! *sends virtual hug* Don't forget to comment! I love them!

I guess, That's all.
Stay Strong Guys,

P.S- If I missed anything out, please let me know!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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