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~Leah's P.O.V~
My eyes fluttered open to the sounds of birds tweeting and quiet whispers. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before turning to see Charlie and Luke talking. Luke had to have his shirt off throughout the night because of his shoulder, so he was showing what he was exactly doing throughout the summer; going to a gym. I was definitely tempted to whistle. Somehow they still managed to hold hands throughout the night. "Hmm...Do they? Are they?" I thought to myself, before deciding to make myself heard. "Good morning!" I said, smiling. Luke turned to me and smiled back. "Hey! Morning cuz'." He replied. "Good morning everyone! About time too! We've been waiting for ages!" A mumbled voice said from behind the door. "Yeah! We didn't exactly have a relaxing day yesterday! And you can come in now!" I shouted as sweetly as I could. The door in front of us opened to reveal Lee, my dad and a boy around our age. "Guys, this is Ollie, Lee's brother." My father explained, gently nudging Ollie forward. I waved shyly at him as he just stared at me. "Uh... Earth to Ollie! Testing testing, one two three!" Lee said loudly in his ear, waving his hand in front of Ollie's face, but he didn't stir. I blushed and looked away. Luke whispered something to Charlie as his face lit up. "I know that face." he said mischievously. Ollie blinked and shook his head. "What face? This is my face." He said in his quite deep and teenagery voice. (Not a word people!) "You in love!" Luke said cheekily, grinning like an idiot. "Don't tease him! He's only just met us!" I protested, playfully punching his good shoulder. "And it's not like you're not!" I added, crossing my arms and smiling proudly. Luke chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Go on then, tell us who!" Charlie said mischievously. "Later, not now." He replied quietly. "I'll leave you guys to it! Adios!" Lee said, dragging my dad by his shirt collar out of the door.

(As they get to know each other, shoutout to everyone who is reading this for your support!)

~Luke's P.O.V~
Sunset. That's perfect. I'm so glad I'm home and I still get to play soccer(football) but I have to lay off the climbing a bit. Thank goodness my parents didn't know about the whole 'Parkour' thing. At least Ollie has a phone so we can contact him. I sat on my bed and stared at my multi-coloured football(soccerball) and whipped my phone out of my pocket. Then, I went ahead and mass texted everyone my plans.
O=Ollie C=Charlie LE=Leah LU=Luke

LU= You wanna play some footie guys?

C= What about your shoulder?

LU= I'll be fine. You up for it?

LE= Would we get to play hide and seek after?

O= Yeah, could we?

LU= Alright then! Meet you at the tree train?

C= Yep!


LE= You 'betcha!
I smiled and grabbed my football. I guess I had to take it easy down the stairs now. Well, that sucks, but I've got a whole evening to look forward to, so I grinned as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going mister?" My father said as I reached for the door handle. "I'm just going to play with Ollie and the girls." I explained casually, opening the door. "Well, do you feel dizzy? Or sick? Are you strong enough to even walk long distances?" My dad questioned. "No, No and Yes." I replied shutting the door and running lightly down the path.

I saw everyone waiting at the tree train for me, and when they saw me, I gave a friendly wave. "Who's gonna 'guard the goal?' I asked, dropping the ball on the floor. "Hey, that's a good name for a game! 'Guard The Goal!' That's cool, I need to tell my dad about that!" Leah squealed. "I will." Charlie volunteered.

(As we spectate the game, waiting for it to finish, shoutout to Disneyland for being 'totally awesome'!!)

"Annndd...TIME!" I yelled, glancing at my watch. "Can we play Hide and seek now?" Ollie panted, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. "Okay, I'll be the seeker though." Charlie replied, facing the wall of the fire station and leaning against it, her back to us. "One, Two, Three..." She counted, and we all panicked, bumping into each other and groaning and grumbling as we did so. "I'll go this way, you guys go that way!" I whisper-shouted, pointing to the hill that slanted down toward the ocean. they both nodded and quickly did as I said. I, however, hid behind the police station, the most obvious place you could look. But I know that Charlie would look at the places which weren't obvious, which would give me a chance to run to the wall. Boy, now this I turning into hide and seek tag. "Okay, I'm gonna go to the florist now!" Charlie said sarcastically, before slowly strolling to the florist wall. I signalled to Leah and Ollie to stay where they were and took my chance to sprint to the red brick wall.

I felt something tug on my yellow hood and I ended up sliding on my knees across the grass, stopping merely inches away from the wall. "Got you!" Charlie laughed behind me. I looked to see where Ollie and Leah were hiding and saw that they weren't even paying attention to what was happening, just whispering quietly to each other. "Hey, Charlie?" I asked, getting up and turning around. I brushed off the mud from my black trousers and looked at her, but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking above me with a horrified expression on her face. "L...L..uke?" She stuttered. "What? What is it?!" I asked concernedly, looking around frantically. "HTT." she whispered quietly, but loud enough so that only I could hear her. "Oh no!" I thought, before sprinting toward her.

When I was around two feet away from her, I felt a sharp tug on my hood, again, which caused me to fall on my back. I groaned in pain as two very strong people gripped my forearms, placing them behind my back and sitting me on my knees. Hopelessly, I struggled to get free, but they twisted my arms in such a way that it will hurt if you move them. Charlie needed to be safe at least. And I need to talk to her anyway. I looked up at her and saw that she was frozen to the spot, petrified at what she was seeing. I looked over at Leah and Ollie to see them with worried looks on their faces. I diverted my eyes between them and Stampy's house, whilst trying to keep my head still, and they luckily understood what I was saying. I looked back to Charlie. "RUN!! Save yourself!! Don't worry abo-LOOK OUT!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, spotting two other people creeping up behind Charlie fast. I quickly looked at Leah and Ollie's hiding place and saw that they weren't there. I hope they weren't caught too. My eyes locked back onto Charlie, who was panicking, I expect. Pretty soon she was surrounded by those people in red and gold armour. "Behind you!" I yelled at her, spotting some long thin objects coming at her. "Shut up!" One of the men said behind me in a rough voice. "What are you gonna do about it?" I said cheekily, smiling to myself. He was silent for a few seconds before noticing that one of my shoulders was lower than the other. "This." was his reply, squeezing my 'arrow' wound REALLY hard. I screamed in pain as I collapsed sideways on the floor, using my other hand to grip the wound. I kept groaning softly in pain, looking up at Charlie with pain in my eyes. I looked quickly at my wound to see a circle of red through my hoodie. "Get...our...parents." I managed to say through the pain, before something hard hit my head and everything blurred and went dark.
Hello! Cliffhanger!! Woohoo! Wait... I'm gonna be nice to you guys today. Carry on! One more P.O.V won't hurt, right?
(This is a first! I bet I fooled you, didn't i?)
~Charlie's P.O.V~
Get...our...parents? How? What? "Luke!" I cried, when I saw that they had hit him on the head with a... PIPE?! but he just lay limp on the floor. "He passed out from the pain. Duh." a deep voice stated from the shadows. "Thank you Captain Obvious!" I said sarcastically. I kept looking around to plan out an escape route, but these guys looked dangerous, and I left my dagger in my emergency chest in my room at home. Then, I sighed. "If I fail, at least Luke will get some company." I thought to myself. I stepped back quietly and sprinted toward the gap under one man's arm. Smoothly, I slid under the gap and kneeled down next to Luke. "Wake up Luke! Please!" I pleaded, gently shaking him, and luckily enough he stirred. My face lit up when a soft groan escaped his lips and his eyes slowly opened. "He wasn't knocked out! He had a concussion!" I announced. "Charlie? Luke?" I heard distant voices chant. Luke and I both exchanged glances as we both helped each other up and began running to the voices, But got blocked by a line of men linking arms. "DAD! MOM! We're here! BY THE FIRE STA-" Luke started, but stopped abruptly. I turned my head and saw that four guards kept hold of him, putting a cloth around his mouth and bringing him to his knees. But he still kept trying to shout through it. "The fire station! Don't brea-" I yelled, carrying on Luke's sentence, but I got rudely interrupted by three guards, grabbing my arms and pinning them behind me, bringing me to the ground as well. They put a cloth around my mouth too, and I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could. I looked over at Luke and saw the guards faces soften as they seemingly loosened their grip on him. My head suddenly felt dizzy, and I felt myself being dragged into something, lastly looking at Luke, who lay limp beside me on what seemed like a steel floor. I gently lowered my head and tried to breathe, but I just kept feeling dizzier and dizzier, before I saw darkness.
I'm not kidding this time! Chapter finished! Where did Leah and Ollie go? How did they get there? Were they in trouble? Hmm... what's gonna happen to Charlie and Luke? Who were those voices? Find out in the next chapter! And I bet that came out of nowhere too! That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,

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