The Mysterious Stranger

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~Stampy's P.O.V~
"What happened?!" Ash yelled, sprinting down with the rest of us. "I have no idea. One minute we're at school, the next minute, an arrow is chasing us through a portal. If it wasn't for Luke, that would've been me." Charlie explained shakily. She was really freaked out. "We need to get to the hospital ASAP! Ash, get a stretcher!" I instructed, kneeling down beside Luke and studying his wound, But that arrow looked strangely familiar. "Luke, do you know who sent this arrow through the portal?" I asked, looking around at everyone who was giving me shocked or confused faces. "It was that guy that mom told stories about to me when I was little. He looked and sounded just as mom described." he groaned, lying down on the grass slowly, wincing as he did so. "Who was that?" I asked Netty, who's eyes widened and all colour drained from her face. "HTT." She whispered, but it was loud enough to make everyone gasp and murmur. "Well, What are we waiting for? Let's get this boy sorted out!" Rosie yelled unexpectedly. I'm still surprised that Rosie and Finnball haven't got married yet.

Ash lowered the stretcher down on the soft grass and Finnball, Squid, Ash, Lee and I crowded around Luke and shifted it closer to him. "On the count of three! Luke, if you can manage, place your arms on your stomach. One... Two...THREE!" Ash stated, and we all lifted Luke carefully onto the Stretcher. He wasn't at all that heavy, but I almost lost my grip more than once. I'm glad I'm not old, otherwise this would be so much harder.
(While they struggle to arrive at the hospital, shoutout to sugarpup11 for making me happy today!!)
We placed the stretcher down gently on the bed, and Amy did one of her secret talents. She grabbed the side of the stretcher an whipped it out from under Luke, causing a small whimper and a smack to the face. "Ow!" I complained, rubbing my cheek. "Sorry Stampy!" Amy apologised, dropping the stretcher onto the floor. "Right, now this is gonna hurt a little bit, okay? I don't want to hurt you but it will be better than having an arrow stuck in your shoulder for the rest of your life." Ash explained. Luke nodded weakly and shut his eyes. "Charlie, Leah? Do you wanna hold his hand or something so he has something to squeeze when I pull it out?" He asked the girls who were behind him. They nodded and quickly sat by his side. "Just look at me, and nothing will happen. You won't feel a thing." Charlie said calmly, but I knew she was scared. I suddenly felt a small, soft hand slip into mine and grip it tightly. I turned to see Netty with a scared expression on her face. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." I said quietly, kissing her head. "One... Two... THREE!!" Ash yelled for the third time today, yanking the arrow out of Luke's shoulder. Netty jumped as not one, not two, but three screams of 'ow' were heard. "Why did all three of you say 'Ow'? Luke had the arrow in his shoulder!" Ash asked curiously, gently lifting Luke's arm so he could wrap a white bandage around his shoulder. "He's strong you know! I think he may of crippled my hand." Charlie replied, showing a weak smile. "Now, let's leave Luke to rest and probably stay here for the night. He needs it. Charlie and Leah can stay for company, but right now, he's too weak to move locations." Ash explained to us. "And you guys are NOT allowed back at the 'school' any more!" We all nodded and walked out, hand in hand or arm around neck.

(As we skip further into the night, shoutout to YouTube for making me happy no matter what!!)

I heard a knock at the door. At first, I thought it was just me, but I confirmed that it wasn't my imagination when they knocked for a second time. Sluggishly, I climbed out of bed and down the corridor. When I opened the door, someone I thought looked familiar appeared in front of me. "Hello." He greeted. He was about Leah's age, and he had dark chocolate, scruffy hair. He reminded me of Lee.

"I was wondering if you knew who my brother is."
"Who's your brother?" I yawned.
"His name is Lee."
"You'd better come in." I said. I was surprised because I didn't know that Lee had a brother. "Lee!" I yelled up the ladder. We walked through my house quickly, so we got here in less than fifty seconds. "Whaaat?! I'm sleeping!" A groaning voice sounded from through the painting. "Visitor!" I announced, sitting down on my bed and rubbing my eyes. "Who?" A slightly louder voice asked as I heard a slight creaking. He strolled through the painting and looked at the teenager. "Who are you?" Lee asked, confused. "My name is Ollie. My parents told me about my brother called Lee when I was seven, and when I turned eleven, I set out to find you. Turns out there are a lot of Lee's in Minecraft. And worlds if you think about it." He explained. "Of course! Mom called me thirteen years ago saying that I had a little brother! I even suggested the name 'Ollie'! I can't believe you're here!" Lee exclaimed, hugging him tightly. "Awwww! That's adorable!" I said, admiring this small moment. "Shut up Stampy!" Lee growled. "I mean it! I'm not being sarcastic or anything!" I said innocently. "Well, have you got a spare bed anywhere?" He asked, pulling away from the hug and putting his arm around Ollie's shoulder. "Yeah, wait here!" I said, walking over to a chest and lugging a bed out. "Now goodnight!" I said loudly, crawling into bed. "Tomorrow we introduce you to Charlie, Leah and Luke. They're your age so I expect that you will get along with them well. Now, Luke has got an injury in his shoulder, so don't go Patton him on the back or anything!" I chuckled, before drifting into sleep.
Whoop! Two strangers in one chapter! I bet none of you expected that, did ya?! Did ya?! No? WOOHOOO!! I wonder what will happen next? Who loved that?! And I have plans for Ollie. MWAHAHAHA!!! *does the evil hands* no, not like that. I don't think, hmm... maybe. I'm not sure. So, predictions down below, and I'll see what everyone's imagination has brought them to. I love seeing your predictions, so can we aim for about 10? Yay! That's all.

Stay Strong Guys,
(P.S- I think that now I should start doing SSG instead of 'Stay Strong Guys.' What do you think? That's all for REAL this time.)

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