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"this University's not that bad either..." Saint thought as he followed the instructor in-charge,

He admit that the instructor keep on talking about everything important but him, being a brat he listen to nothing. They passed to the bulletin which had that most outstanding students since from the past 3-4 years, something caught his attention...

"Wait..." Before he could say it done, the instructor said it "Oh, he's the most outstanding students here... He's not mean and a brat either despite of his family's status." Saint look back at him "Of course! He won't do anything like what rich people do... He's poor that's why he's my butler" the instructor look at him "No wonder Kaownah dropped by the same spot saying how brat you are... Of how you disgraced your own mother. Now I see, you're too far from your Mother Lucy"  he look at him all badly "How do you know my mom?! Do you have any relationship with her---" he cut him again "What if I do? What will you do? Ask someone to beat the shit out of me? Kick your mother out from your filthy family? Oh boy, there are still lot of things you need to know about your mother" he turn his back on him, letting Saint follow him "Lucy took Kaownah as a butler not because he's poor but because he know that Kaownah himself want to experience how hard it was to be a butler to a brat like you. Because you care in zero about your mother for you think that she had those companies because of your father's filthy money. But one thing I can tell you and it was a highlight" he look back at Saint and saw him startled but he doesn't care even a bit "Lucy was the only heir of her family's businesses... She doesn't tend to put it on your name because of what you are. She doesn't want her workers who are like her other families be in danger and hardship because of you. So she put it all for her little nieces and nephews who grew up just like her" he started to walk again but before leaving Saint he said,

"I'm Lucy's first degree cousin and the owner of this University. Kaownah was not the guy you think he is... He'll resign today because he need to go back to the states for his on-job-training. Plus, he's my son... My middle son out of 3 boys. The son of the top 2 around the whole American Continent" he glance at him "Do you know your father already prepared divorce papers? And soon as it will be passed, you'll know what level your mom from your dad" he walked away after knowing those things from the said instructor who ends up To be the owner himself.

Later that day, Saint was introduced to the class he'll be in and found out that Zee was there as well...

As Saint too the seat beside Zee cause that's the only reliable one, he found Zee looked at him like a curious kid.

"Just what do you want? You need some money---" but Zee innocently cut him off  "Why do you always talk and care too much about money? Does Money buy you a lifetime happiness? You said earlier how your dad gave you all and talk bad about your mom... Do you think giving birth to someone ungrateful like you can do her money?" "Life's easier if you're rich---" "But you're not fully happy about it. You became airheaded and think that money can buy everyone. Do you have friends then? Cause if you do, you'll know that you can't buy real, try and solid friendship with money." Saint look at Zee as annoyed as he was already "You don't know what money can do because you're not as rich as us---" "I know, we're not as rich as you and your family but I'm also a son who have a Mother and Father and a younger brother." Zee still look at him "His name's Frank... He's so very talented young man and we're so very proud of him." "What does that do with money tho---" "Again, as I told you earlier... We're not as rich as you but we can still buy expensive things yet since it's not so important, we put it up to charity as what our great ancestors do... There are things that money can do and can't do. It's up to you where you put it" Zee smile and invert his eyes to the instructor who will teach them.

"Why do people lecture me about this shits?! I'm not doing wrong... I'm not---"

His thought cut off as he heard the instructor calling Zee's attention,

"Oh, I need to let you hear about it especially you, new kid... We're so very thankful to our boy, Zee for letting us be a volunteer on that Charity work. And his parents ask that if it's cool for the whole class to volunteer this weekend. We'll be scattered in different places and areas as it was Frank's birthday wish" he smile "And one more thing... Zee, thank you for supporting our children's study with your whole family. We're so grateful about it..."

Everyone saw Zee hide himself on his desk... And Everyone know how much capable Zee was but it's still felt so new whenever he's embarrassed.

"I told you to never mention that like ever!" He murmurs to himself but enough to hear by some of his classmates which they chuckle and laugh because of it.

"You're rich?"

Saint look at him while asking that...

"No, and I won't be telling you"

Said See as he's still burying his face down...

"I hate 'em..."

Zee said to himself.

"I hate to be called nor known as rich... Money can't buy everything... It's a charity work not buying people with Money... I don't want to be like any other kids. We're not rich and never will"

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