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Saint just look at him as he reject his offer to go with him or to his offer for a temporary shelter. At first...

He's a stranger so...

"I know you're asking me of who I am? I'm Korawit Boonsri or you can call me Gun in short." He turn to look at what's inside his car "That's my daughter Jeneva Zurie. And..." He look back at Saint "Aerwyn's daughter." Tears escaping Gun's eyes "But she's long way gone... Some heartless people killed her while she let me escape with Zurie. She wanted her daughter to survive cause that's what all mothers do right?" He wiped his tears and put a force smile for Saint though he miss her so much. "I raised her as much as I could as much as what Aerwyn I think would do..." Saint look at the little girl inside and smile "Guess, my feelings are all set..." "What do you mean?" "I already know that her daughter's safe and well. I also confirmed that what they said are true that Aerwyn's gone but now... I guess I'm alright?" He look at Gun and smile "Please protect her at all cost. And thank you for loving Aerwyn... And your daughter" she smile and Gun pull a picture from his wallet then pass it to Saint.

"It was Aerwyn's last picture and this one's Zurie" Saint happily smile as Gun continued "Zurie looked like you but she's too sickly nowadays" Gun smile "Like you as well..." Saint look back at him "Aerwyn once told me about you being so sickly when you're so young. She used to watch you and attend you in your ward... So it means she'll be having sleepless nights." Gun smile at him like he's looking at Aerwyn once again "Cause she love you so much like you came out from her..." Saint look back at the picture of Aerwyn "I grew up with her care not until one day she went to my dad and ask him to take me and to protect me. Like she knew my dad for a reason... And after a year or two, Aerwyn went missing" "You mean Mr. Suppapong?" Gun smile "Aerwyn once mentioned your dad to me." "What was it about then? Business partners---" Gun cut him off "Your dad and Aerwyn are basically bestfriends — no, they are childhood bestfriends. They knew each other since toddler... I don't know much about it but it's best if you asked your dad about it" Saint nod in agreement "I guess, I need to go back home but..." Gun already guessed him "You don't know a way back?" Saint nod again "I'll give you a ride so you can meet Zurie personally" Saint then accepted the offer and took the front seat since Gun's not a driver to begin with.

"Hi!" The little girl cheer as soon as Saint went in "I'm Jeneva Zurie! Nice meeting you" her beautiful smile lights up Everything "I'm Saint Suppapong---" "My Twin?! Mommy's last voice record said that my twin who's much older than me was named Saint Suppapong" she smile and stretch her little arm for Saint to hold her hand "Mommy said we might lookalike and she's not wrong! I look like you and you look like me" she smile as Saint force himself not to cry "Please visit me sometime" Saint don't know if ever they can meet again but he also need to have hope. Saint nod as she smile so brightly at him.

Gun never felt so much happier than before.

Along the ride, Zurie fell asleep while holding Saint's hand. "Isn't your arm cramps?" Saint smile "It's alright..." "Zurie keep on asking me about you ever since she heard Aerwyn's recordings. So it will be difficult for you to get away from her since she's already had you on her sleeves" Gun amazed-chuckle "I'll give you our address so if you're free, you can visit her at home and please prepare yourself... She's too handful to be honest"

Saint smile while watching the little Zurie "I guess Aerwyn thought of me while bearing her... Cause I'm too handful as well but she still take a great care of me"

"Guess, Dad's that important to Aerwyn. Because they are bestfriends? Or there might something between them... But what? She's way more younger than Dad was" he thought as he went silent, Gun suddenly said something which shock him.

They then arrived on Saint's house. Saint gently took Zurie's hands off of his hand. And thank Gun for the ride.

He watch them off... And later he turn around then saw his Dad standing frozen as tears running down his eyes... As he saw his son... Safe and sound.

"Dad..." He said as his dad run towards him then hugged him "I.. thought I lost you..." Saint hugged back "I'm sorry Dad..." "Saint..." He face his son as he held his face "About what happened---" "I'm just misunderstand that right Dad?" Saint smile at him...

"But there's still one thing I wanted to ask you about" his dad smile and nod "What is it?" Saint then pass him Aerwyn's picture,

"I wanted I know what your relationship with Aerwyn except for being childhood bestfriends"

He look at his dad and saw a sudden pain on his eyes like he's forcing to hold his tears in.

"She's an important woman... The woman who I first love before anyone went against us"

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