-EXTRA- Part 2

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The Promise which
One self created.

After Several months. Saint end up living a painful life not until Zee arrived and opened a new light in him.

Zee became his friend.

Zee was there for him...

He supported him and protected him.

Until they finally dated.

They had each other for so long...

They were so happy about the little things.

There was even a time that something happened in the bedroom. Saint gave Zee pleasure as much as he pleasure himself while Zee offered his whole being to Saint — alone.

As the years longer... Saint's main family which are composed of his grandparents and other Aunts and Uncles heard about his relationship with a man. They are both angered and dictate that he should marry a fine and rich woman his age.

To be exact, they arranged him to a marriage.

He doesn't know that his parents are murdered instead he grew up knowing that they died in an accident.

In a fear of losing Zee, Saint let him go and will be marrying a fine woman.

Saint doesn't know that Zee grew ill...

Well, who doesn't right?

When Saint heard about it, despite of his wedding ceremony by the next day. He rushed to meet Zee...

On his bed, laying the pale and suffered Zee Pruk Panich.

Saint held his hand as he cried in pain. He then noticed a hand wiping his tears away.

"Why are you crying? You mustn't be like that My dear Saint."

He had no words that came out... His heart was too broken since the time he left Zee on his own. He left the one he truly love for someone he doesn't even know. He thought to himself that he's just being selfish.

"Saint... Stop crying... This life's not for us to begin with."

Saint looks at him as his heart was broken into Million of pieces.

"In Another life, I'll look for you firsthand. I'll held and love you as much as the skies above and ocean below"

Zee's breathing became heavier and heavier. While Saint still held his arms as if he tried to give off his warmth to him.

Until we meet again, I'll look for you and will love you more than anything else. Until We Meet Again, let's love someone as we can until we meet. So, you won't be sad and lonely... I know I can live alone until I found you. If the time's not yet ours once again... Let's try again in our next reincarnation."

Zee smiles at him despite of the pain he's feeling.

"Until We Meet Again... That will be our End Game"

Then after that, Zee died while being held by the man he truly love.

Saint may left him but Zee left Saint for eternity — he went ahead.

Yes, they are being reincarnated...

Saint being an Alpha wolf and Zee as an Omega wolf but the Omega died while protecting his Alpha from the Bounty Hunter.

Reincarnated again, Saint being an Emperor who happened to fall in love to a highly family's son and made him an Empress but the Male Empress died while protecting his Emperor's back.

In another Reincarnation, Saint was heartless King and changes because of the other Kingdom's Crowned King. But as the celebration of their wedding day, The Crowned King was poisoned to death as he took the King's cup and twitched with his.

After many lives that they are reincarnated, it all fails... And some of them— they happened not to meet each other.

Not until the time where Aerwyn co-exists.

The reincarnation of one of the Yukino Hana Deity. So, as a Deity as she was... She pulled both Suppapong and Zeepruk back in a timeline. In hoping that they can change fate. They both never existed in a timeline when she's still a Wisteria Yukino Hana but in a timeline when she's been mistreated as a Human Being.

But no one nor any power can change the past no matter what. It only revealed that Past should be Past right?

In the current time, Aerwyn as the Bana Yukino Hana — the Current Bana Yukino Hana who didn't yet give her very first blessing to anyone, took something from her past selves just to bring both Suppapong and Zeepruk in a life where she co-exists as Suppapong's family member. Though it was just the same as the first lives of the two — she was an adopted daughter but the family's treatment were too far from before. Now's all great and soothing.

Saint was born into a wealthy family, a family which was in line of the reincarnation of the Yukino Hana — he was born as the man who was called Suppapong.

On the other hand, Zee was reincarnated into an open and loving family and was called Zeepruk Panich like how his other life's called.

And this time, as another Yukino Hana was born. The promise between two people became reality — and the two received the blessing of the most youngest newly bloom Yukino Hana...

Soleen Yuuri.

Together with the former Yukino Hana, Aerwyn and the other guardians Erwin and Levi. Who co-exists with humans.

Yukino Hana are born either between A Guardian and a Yukino — or between Human and a Yukino. They grew up to become one if the lived in a mountain side with a Sakura tree, Bana flowers and a Wisteria grew side by side.

As that time Soleen held their hands, her blessings was being passed to them. Levi seems like annoyed but deep down, he's so proud that their Princess finally pulled out how to give someone worthy for a blessing.

"The Promise finally was fulfilled" Levi said as Soleen slept into his arms.

"She deserves to become the Wisteria Yukino Hana Deity" Aerwyn said as the three of them with Soleen had took different vehicle.

"Said by the former Wisteria Yukino Hana who's now a Bana Yukino Hana" Erwin teases as he continued "You died in a horrible death in your reincarnation as a Human Being... It was your very first reincarnation but your fate in there are too dark and painful, Luckily... The gods and goddesses hears your heart's woe and you're being Reincarnated as a Bana Yukino Deity, been adopted by the same family as those ones you once belonged, living amongst Human Being, Trying to cut the Family Curses by staying away... Falling in love, been left behind and born such beauty as this child that was destined as the New Wisteria Yukino Deity despite of her being as a Half Human and half Deity"

Erwin sounded more at ease since the day the Curse finally lifted. It was the Guardian Levi did all the work...

"So, who should you give your first blessing to?"

Levi asked as Aerwyn looked outside the window.

"Who knows?"

She said as she was eyeing two different people which she saw that it's not their first lives but a decade reincarnations.

"Maybe that Long and brown haired young man and that man who got a long and dark spiky hair across him."

Levi and Erwin looked at that side since they were stopped by the traffic light, as what a Normal person can see was different from what she uttered yet both Levi and Erwin's not a Human being... They saw what she saw.

The two people's appearance on their first lives.

"I see, they are born both way back the era where Ninjas exist." Erwin stated

"And Both of them are the strongest back in the day" Levi said as he noticed how much her eyes sparkled.

"Yes, I guess I'm ready to give a risk for the two of them..."

Then the turned around and they swifted away — to there destination as Suppapong and Zeepruk's vehicle follows.

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