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It was the morning, Jennie woke up by not the alarm but Kuma waking her up

"My new alarm I see, thank you baby boo" Jennie talked with her dog

Jennie got up and brushed her teeth, washed her face and brushed her hair, but stayed in her sweatpants and her sports bra she fell asleep in, she went to check up on Jongin

She unlocked the door of the room and saw him looking outside the window

"Hmmm, you couldn't even put on a shirt?" he asked
"Do you want your hands free? Or do you want them locked until I kill you?" Jennie asked in a cold voice

"Why are you so cold?" Jongin asked
"Why are you so friendly?" Jennie asked
"I asked the question first"
"And you won't get an answer to it" Jennie said, coldly, again

"Why am I locked up in a half naked woman's house?" he asked Jennie
"You have two options, that or being buried in the half naked woman's garden, alive, you pick" Jennie said

"K chill, I'll stay here" he said

"Why are you like that? I literally gave you a whole room, you have your own bathroom and your own walk-in closet. Be thankful or animals that eat people will be"

"Okay, I'm sorry, just please unlock my hands, I feel like the handcuffs will cut them and they will fall off my arms" he said

Jennie never heard anyone say please or sorry to her, she was always ignored or she had to say that

"Of course" Jennie said, but she said it happily, that made Jongin confused

"You sound happy all of a sudden" he said smiling

"I'm not happy, I just never heard anyone say sorry or please to me" Jennie said

Jongin stayed quiet and just let her unlock the handcuffs. Once she unlocked the handcuffs, he took the advantage and picked her up and threw her on the bed.

At this point, he was on top of her. She tried to move but his hands held her shoulders

"Thanks for letting me stay the night, it was somewhat comfortable... I have to go now, I won't forget this, Jennie Kim" he said

"How do you know... My name...?" Jennie asked as she knew she never told him her name

"Hmm, you should know that already" he said and picked her up

When he picked her up, he threw her at the corner of the room. She actually flew across the room and hurt her head really bad

Jongin ran out of the room but soon Jennie got up and ran as well. As he was running down the stairs, Jennie jumped from the fence of the stairs on his back which made him fall down with her on his back

"Get off m-"

Jongin was stopped by a sudden kiss

Jennie kissed him like she meant it but really, she didn't, she wanted to make him shocked and confused so that he stays in one position the whole time so that she can punch him and drag him back up

Jongin stayed paralyzed after the kiss

Jennie helped him get up and she looked him in the eyes. When she looked him in the eyes, she kneed him in the balls

He fell down and Jennie grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs as he was still on the ground

"W-why" he asked
"I told you I'll kill you, I always do what I say" she answered

She threw him in the room and was about to leave but couldn't, she felt something stopping her, and it was him. Even though he was on the ground in pain and couldn't get up, she couldn't let him stay alone. She felt something odd about him and he made her feel something she never felt... Butterflies

"I'm sorry, are you hurt badly?" she asked and walked towards him after she locked the door

"Why did you lock yourself in here with me and why are you so nice" he asked confusingly

"Honestly I don't know, I felt something in my stomach, anyways answer my question, are you hurt badly?" Jennie said

"Well I mean you kicked me in the balls but that's not much, I'm fine thanks for asking, what about you? You jumped from the fence on me and on the floor, that must have hurt real badly" he replied

"I'm fine" she simply said

There was an awkward silence between them for a long time

"Ummm... So when will I die?" he asked her breaking the awkward silence

"I don't know, when I chose I guess" she said

"Why are you so unsure now? You're not as cold as yesterday" he said

"I told you I don't know what is happening to me!" she said and got up

She was about to leave the room when he suddenly kissed her

"What are you doing?" she asked

"Sorry, you're too attractive to be true" he said

"Shut up, I don't like you" she said


"Yes, I think... I mean I know I don't like you!" she said, trying to hide the fact that she likes him

"Lies!" he said

"I'm not lyin-"

He cut her off with a kiss

"It's okay I like you too"

"No you don't, you're just playing with me"

"I'm not..."

Jennie unlocked the doors and told him to leave

"Go back to your boys, Exo, SuperM, tell you niece and nephew that you just went for a sleepover and nothing happened" she told him

"You won't kill me?" he asked

"Just leave"

Once he left the house and went into the car he said "By the way, I did play with you, don't think I actually like you"

He drove off.

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