No... please... don't...

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As she ran towards the sound she was completely lost, she didn't know where she was, there were so many small streets around her and in most of them were just garbage cans for those companies that were next to them.

She looked around and saw a man run from one with a gun

He saw Jennie and started to shoot but Jennie dodged every single one bullet. She took her dagger out because she always has it with her

He started to run away but she didn't chase him, she just threw the dagger at him and he died

She ran to the street he came from and saw an injured person laying on the ground struggling to breath as the person got shot in their left lung

She approached the person and crouched, they were in darkness. The lights turned on in every street because it was late and lights turn on automatically when it's 6pm

She saw the person, it was Jongin

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" she started to cry

"Hey Jen, leave me here I'm okay" he said

"No you're not! I CAN'T LET YOU STAY HERE INJURED!" she yelled while crying

"You shouldn't care about *coughs* me, nobody does, nobody did, not even my parents*coughs*, nobody will ever care about me so don't be the first one to care*coughs badly*... You're a cold person" he said and smiled

"Please don't leave me" she cried
"It's okay, I will leave you but you'll be fine you're strong" he said and caressed her cheek
"Please..."she started to cry even more

She then clicked some secret agent gadget thrice and sent her location to the doctors and it said they're on their way

Jennie placed her hand on the wound as he grunts

She kissed him on the lips and they didn't stop kissing

Once they stopped the kiss to breathe, Jennie helped him breathe with the mouth on mouth technique

"I love you" Jennie said with teary eyes
"I love you more" he said with teary eyes as well with sirens of the hospital van in the background approaching them

She caressed his cheek and placed a kiss on it

The doctors came and helped them, they took Jongin in the van leaving Jennie alone as she watched them take the bed they placed him on. She smiled and waved to him. He smiled and winked.

Jennie went to the person she killed and checked who it was... It was Kwon Ji-Yong, the CEO of Jennie's company. He hated Jennie because he had a crush on her but she didn't like him at all.

Jennie started casually walking towards the hospital he was taken to. She didn't wanna hurry because they are probably taking the bullet out of him and checking if everything's okay so she doesn't want to be a bother

30 minutes later she came inside the hospital, she asked the lady on the reception where is he and she said on the 5th floor room 7

She also told Jennie to wait 2 minutes so that the doctors can see what to do to hurry up with healing him

When 2 minutes passed the lady told her she can go visit him

Jennie went inside the elevator with a man, it was Kim Jongdae, Exo's member Chen. He left on the 4th floor to visit his wife he told her and she left on the 5th floor. She started to run a little towards the room.

She opened the door and he opened his eyes and smiled

"Hey..."she said and approached him
"Hey baby"
"I am not dating you..."
"Then why would you check on me here?" he asked
"I told you, I love you" she said
"Me too" he said "I love you too"
"Are you okay?"Jennie asked
"Yeah, thanks to you" he smiled

Jennie sat down on the bed where Jongin was laying. She wanted to give him a forehead kiss but he held her face so that she doesn't kiss him on the forehead but that she does, on the lips

After they kissed she got up and said "I have to go, I'll come la-"
"Can you stay?" he cut her off
"I have to go home, my dog is there and I need to feed him, it's been a long day" Jennie said
"Oh, okay, at least write my phone number..."he said
"I really have to get going"

She opened the door and sent him a kiss

He looked sad because she didn't stay even though he wanted her to.

Jennie left and once she got home, she fed Kuma and took some sweatpants and a regular t-shirt. Once she did that, she took Kuma's snacks and threw all that in her car. She took a blanket, two pillows and best for last, she took Kuma. She threw all that in the car except Kuma cause who would throw such a precious living being and she placed him on the passenger seat.

She drove toward the hospital and took a bag and put all the things she took in the blanket and held Kuma in her hand

She opened the door of his room and he was still awake

"Hey, mind if I stay?" Jennie asked knowing the answer already and threw the bag inside
"You're back!" he said so happily
"Of course I am, I'll change into different clothes and join you in bed"

She placed one of the pillows on the bed where she would sleep and the other one on the floor for Kuma to sleep on

Once she changed her clothes she took the blanket out and laid next to Jongin as he smiled and turned to the side so that he can hold her while they are sleeping.

"You came prepared" he said
"Hehe yea, I am prepared for everything" she told him
"Can I hold you while we're asleep?"
"If it doesn't hurt you then yes of course you can... my love" she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek
"I love you so much" he said
"Gosh shut up, I know that" she said and chuckled
"Can I tell you something?"
"You are my target as well and I still have to kill you" he said

Jennie froze

"You WERE my target but then I changed it because I can't kill you, I don't want to" she told him and his response shocked her

"I will kill you Jennie it's now or never" he said and took out a knife...

Secret agent | JenkaiWhere stories live. Discover now