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After they woke up, Jongin asked a serious question

"Jennie... Will you be my girlfriend? Again?"

"Uhhhh... No, sorry"

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

"It's not your fault, I'm just scared that my boss might be mad"

"But can we at least stay like this then? Kisses, cuddles, hugs..." he asked

"We can date... Unofficially" Jennie said

"So will you be my unofficial girlfriend?"

"Absolutely!" she said

They were cuddling until Jennie got a phone call.

"Hello" she said

"You're Fired!" Seulgi's secretary said

"What for?"

"You haven't been doing any killings... You're all about Jongin, Jongin and Jongin"

"Well I mean yea but..."

"Fuck you, you're fired"

"I still have to fight in the Final Death Land"

"You can-"

"Thank you! Bye!" she hung up and got a phone call again from Seulgi's secretary but didn't pick up

"Who was it?" Jongin asked

"I'm fired" she said, rolled her eyes and got off the bed

"You're what?!"

"Shut up, it's cause of you and if I get fired because of loving you I'm glad that I got fired from a job that doesn't let me love you... If that makes sense"

"It makes sense but still, you lost your job!"

"What does that mean to you? I'd understand if we were dating or if we were married but we're not so you have no right to speak"

"Sorry" he said and got up to hug her

Later, Jongin left to go to work so Jennie was left alone. She went to his work because she wanted to be with him.

"Hello! Is Kim Jongin here?" she asked

"Yes! He is in the training house all over there in the right corner!" a young lady said

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Jennie went to the training house which looked pretty big. She opened the door to see her unofficial boyfriend fighting his friend with knives. He was great at dodging and attacking. He finally stabbed his friend in his arm so he won the fight.
Jongin was breathing heavily so he went to drink some water not knowing that Jennie is following him.

Jongin drank some water from the bottle and put the bottle back on his shelf when he suddenly got a kiss on the cheek from behind which made him turn around quickly and threat the person that kissed him with death

"I'll kill yo- Jennie?"

"Wow... After all we've been through you wanna kill me?"

"No... Wha- I thought it was someone else so I remembered you and didn't want to get kissed by anyone except you... Anyways what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to be with you, btw you're great at fighting... It'll be hard to attack you in the Final Death Land"

"Same for you" he said and kissed her

Jongin got a phone call

"Please come to your boss's office"

"Okay" he said and hung up

"I gotta go babe, I'll be back soon" he said and left

"Btw I love you!" he said before leaving

"Haha, love you too!" she said and waited patiently

10 minutes later

Jongin came back and didn't say anything. He grabbed Jennie's arm and pulled her to his car. He opened the door for her and started the car. He drove home and remained silent.

"Babe why are you so quiet?" she asked and got no response

She didn't say anything anymore and got a little upset that he isn't talking to her. They arrived at Jennie's place where he started talking.

"Do you wanna get a job?" he asked

"Why do you ask?"

"My boss was very old, she retired and told me that I will become the new boss of my agency and I can give you a job in my agency if you want!"

"I will become the new Park Jin-Young so I'll be my own boss in your agency if I say yes"

"I se you're confident about winning and yes, you'll be your own boss if you say yes" he said

"Then I'll gladly accept your offer" he said

"Great, your work starts after the Final Death Land"

"Thank you!" she said as they both went to go shower... Not together... Yet!

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