Puzzled Feelings

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Jennie was staring at the car leaving. She was standing in the middle of the street and was broken inside. She didn't know what to do, she always knows what to do but now, she didn't.

She started to run towards the direction of his house. He took her car because his car was at his house.

She stopped running. She passed out.

She woke up in someone's house. She was in the bedroom. Not knowing whose house she was in. Suddenly a young tall man walked inside and greeted her.

"I couldn't leave you on the floor of the street, it didn't feel right cause you took such good care of me at your house"he said

She didn't even look at him, she realized the voice and froze.

"You seem kinda sweaty, you were running and then fainted? Am I right?" he said

"You played with my feelings, you left me broken, you made me cold again... Why would I talk to you then?" Jennie said

"Don't tell me you were catching feelings for me...don't...please...don't" he said as his voice started to fade while talking

"I won't tell you then..."she said with a cold tone

"Why? Why would you? For me? Catch feelings for me? You're playing now" he said

"What's so confusing? You're cute, kind, caring, sweet but at the same time hot, bad, cold, toxic" Jennie told him

"Nobody ever had any feelings for me... Why you? The woman I lik-I don't like a tiny bit" he said changing his sentence from 'woman I like' to 'woman I don't like'

"Can we like never meet again, this is awkward... Just let me go I need to go back to work"

"You're a secret agent trying to kill me but you didn't kill me because you can't, you probably can but your feelings said n-"
"NO" Jennie yelled

"That's what your feelings said"he joked but was serious

Jennie sat up and started to run towards the exit door, he chased her as she turned around punched him in the balls with her knee and left him on the ground

She then went back inside and crouched in front of him. She made him look at her and their eyes met.

"If you ever need me, Google about me and you'll know in which group I a-"
"Bla-Blackpink" he cut her off with a weak voice because he's in pain

"Yes, you'll be okay, I know it hurts but I had to, I have so much work to do and I can't spend a lot of time here" she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek making him get up and chase after her

As he chased her, he grabbed her waist and smiled

"Hehe your waist is so tiny" he said making Jennie blush
"T-thank you" she said, feeling a little embarrassed
"I'll drive you with my car" he said
"I don't know, I think you'll do what I did to you in the car" she said
"Hmm nevermind then, you realized, here are the keys of your car" he said and handed the keys to her

She drove off without saying goodbye.

Few minutes later she was at her workplace. She went into her office and was greeted by her secretary Solar.

"Hello Jennie, umm Mrs.Seulgi said to come to her office when you arrive" Solar told me and I went to Seulgi's office

"Hello Jennie, I see you're struggling with killing him right? We will change your target into Kim Taehyung. Your ex." she said which made Jennie smirk "You may leave the office now"

"Thank you" Jennie said

Jennie immidietly left the building and located on her phone where he was

As she was running towards the car something got on her, it was a little bomp with a timer of 5 seconds. The time was running down


"What the fu-"






She took it off hardly and it took a small part of her skin off as she took it off her hand

She threw it towards the direction it came from


It killed Taehyung

"Ouch, I have a circle on my arm without skin, it's bloody, ah well better go tell Seulgi I'm done with the mission"

And she did, she went to Mrs. Seulgi and said she's done with her mission. Seulgi told her she doesn't have more missions this week but it was just Tuesday so she could rest

She did 7 missions in 2 days

She was walking home cause she felt like it when she heard a gunshot

She stopped and looked around, she then started to run towards the direction of the sound.

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