💔Broken Heart💔

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In the morning, they both woke up

"Good morningggggg" Jongin said while Jennie still rubbed her eyes to wake up

"Why are you so sleppy?" he asked her

"Mhm" Jennie said

"You're still in the sleppy world" he chuckled

"Ah... good morning" she finally said and hugged him

"Hehe, sorry to break it to you, but I have to go... Don't try to escape... Please" he said

"Hmmm... Okay... Goodnight" she said to which he smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek

"I love you baby, stay safe... okay?" he said

"Love you too" she said and kissed him

Jongin left to go... somewhere

Jennie fell asleep for a 20 minutes and got up

Jennie pov

"Gosh, he really has nothing in his fridge..." I rolled my eyes

"I'll go buy some eggs and sausages"

And so I left... I was walking to the shop when I suddenly saw him... Jongin

I wanted to go talk to him but he was talking to someone so I just went around and checked who it was... When they suddenly kissed...

I was standing, broken hearted... But I knew if I don't do anything it will just hurt more so I approached very slowly until he looked at me and realized it was me

The girl left... I think they were maybe saying goodbye to each other and then kissed

"So... You love me?"

"Baby I do... She just randomly kissed me and-"

"Do you think I'm dumb?" I cut him off,
"All this time that you were hugging me, kissing me and saying you love me... You've been dating another girl"

"Baby no-"

"Don't call me that" I said with a cold tone

"I'm sorry! You weren't supposed to see that-"

"Oh... Really? Hmmm tell me more" I said and approached him to slap him and kick him in the balls

"I'll kill you... Even if that means I have to raise my child alone" I said

"I forgot you're pregnant" he said

I'm sick of him... I went to the nearest car and sat inside

"You've made a mistake" I said and started the car

I drove over him.

I drove over him again.

And again.

One more time.

Just one more.

I'm done.

I left the car, started dragging him to a nearby alley and punched him a few times

"You forgot I was pregnant? Easy, I will forget that you're the father of my child"

"Please... I love you" he said making me chuckled

"Cute... but not cute enough" I said and stabbed him in his heart

"Does it hurt the way it hurts me? I don't think so... You're heart isn't broken... It's just stabbed..." I said as he started spitting his own blood

"Bye-bye" I said and left

I went to his house, picked up Kuma and went to my house

On the way there, I walked past by the alley I stabbed him in... He wasn't there and there was no blood on the floor

I began to panic... Where could he possibly be?!

I walked to my house to see him sitting inside

"It didn't hurt the way it hurts you" he said without a single scar


"Oh don't worry, I have the scars... Definitely gonna have them for the rest of my life" he said and showed the scars

"How are you... Alive?" I asked

"Oh baby... I didn't wanna die yet because I wanted to tell you about the whole situation and about my love for you" he said

"No." I said and shot his leg

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" he yelled

"I don't wanna hear your bullshit... Leave my house and never talk to me and I'll be happy... If you don't... Do you really want me to suffer that much? I can easily just kill myself... I always thought about jumping off of a clif" I said

"Jennie don't... I'll leave... You're too precious to die" he said making me feel, sick to my stomach

"Disgusting... I'm not too precious to die... Who would want me aliv-"

Then... He kissed me.

"I want you alive" he said and kissed me again but now... I kissed him back

He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom

We started taking each other's clothes off...
Nah.. I ain't got time to write things like that again... Let your brain finish it...

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