New Year Of My Life

334 17 11

7 months later
Jennie pov

It's been such a horrible year of my life, ups and downs... But the best thing in my life happened while this year... I found a man who loves me and got me pregnant

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Jennie, Happy birthday to you" my friends sang

"Thank you" I said and blew out the candles on the cake while Jongin came with a knife, not to kill me, but to cut the cake

He is the only one that didn't say Happy Birthday to me which makes me a little sad

"So Jennie... Was your wish to become a millionaire? Or to become pregnant 3 more times? Or to buy a dog???" Lisa asked, one of my friends I met 4 months ago

"No... You'd never guess..."

My wish was to live a happy life with Jongin

After a few hours they all left since it got late

I was looking for Jongin everywhere but couldn't find him until I saw a familiar figure on the balcony. I approached him as he put his hand around my waist and held me close

"Happy birthday babe..."he said, smiled, and gave me a rose

"Babe... You didn't have to..."

"You don't know how much I miss you... Once you give birth expect a lot of hugs, cuddles and sex... And all the things I couldn't do without you since you have a belly" he said and kissed me

I just chuckled and rested on him... As we looked at the view, we got tired... So we decided to go to sleep

In the morning

I woke up, sleeping on the side with Jongin's hand on my tummy. I turned my head and gave him a kiss as he woke up

"Good morning beautiful" he said
"Good morning handsome" I said

"You're awfuly pretty today... It's like you've been putting on make up or brushing your hair the whole night" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek from the back

"Your hair... Isn't... A mess" I said

"Haha, come on, let's go nom nom" he said and chuckled

"Yeeeee, nom nom time" I jumped off the bed to which he laughed

I went to the bathroom first to do my duty when suddenly...

"Babe!" I yelled
"What is it???" he asked
"I think my water broke..." I said

He came to me and saw what happened... I cleaned it up

"We gotta go to the hospital" he said

"No it can wait..."

"Jennie, we have to"

"But I wanna eat! It's known that you don't have to go to the hospital immediately after your water broke babe"

He let me eat.

After I ate, we went to the hospital... With all important stuff like some of my clothes, diapers for the baby and more...

Once we arrived, we left the car as I started getting my first contraction. I couldn't walk nor speak, Jongin held me so that I don't fall

"You okay?" he asked

"Damm that hurt..."

"Im glad you're fine now" he said and kissed me

We entered the hospital and told the lady what's going on so she told us where to go

Once we arrived to the room, I was greeted by nurses that told me to lay down

"So how long do you think we'll wait?" he asked while I couldn't answer cause of... You know...

"6 hours?" I managed to say

"I hope not... That's a long time"

"Ah well... Your fault on getting me pregnant"

18 hours later

I can finally go give birth... It's a new day... It's 6:27 am

God this will hurt

And so she started giving birth which took her 28 minutes, cause she's strong... She gave birth to...

A baby girl!

"What are you going to name her?" The nurse asked

"When I first saw her... She looked like Hana" I said

"She does look like Hana... She is so cute... And she has your eyes" he said

"Hello Hana... You caused so many problems in my life I'm glad you're out of me... You're so precious"

"She looks just like you... Small, sweet and fragile... Must be protected" he said

"Babe... I love you... So much"
"I love you too" he said and finally gave me a kiss
So ummm... That happened... It's a baby girl! Will she have a brother/sister in the future? I don't know I didn't really think about that but I'll see... Next chapter is the very last one...

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