Next Week

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Jennie pov

I am now working with Jongin but as my own boss. It's been... 5 weeks? Since I got pregnant and I can't wait to have the little peanut. Jongin is impatient but I can't have the baby yet or it will practically die.

I heard knocking on my door

"Come in" I said to see this handsome man

"Hey babe" Jongin said

"Hi" I said and got up to kiss him

"I know this is a lot to ask but, the office next to mine is empty now, the girl left so I thought maybe you should work there... You know... So that I know you're safe and happy"

"That's very cute but I really don't wanna move all my stuff there it will take a lo- and you're already taking all of it" I said as he took all my stuff and carried them to that office

Anyways now I'm working next to him and that's fun!

3 hours later

I've been working normally but the fact that Jongin is the boss, all employees come to him one by one and ask something. Now... There is this beautiful girl standing in front of him asking him something. She took out a bottle, of parfume I'd say and sprayed it on him... That's definitely not parfume!

She slid her hand under his underwear and so did he... They started kissing...

"Oi! Stop! Leave his office!" I yelled

"But we're in love, he's my boyfriend, right Jongin?" she said to which he nodded

I can't believe this!

"No he's not! You sprayed him with that shit that's inside the bottle" I said to which she couldn't say anything

No I didn't let her leave, I took out my knife and killed her on the spot

"Hah, asshole... Don't touch him" I said to her dead body when Jongin finally snapped out of it

"What did you do baby?" he asked looking at the lifeless body

"She touched you and kissed you" I said with a pout

"So you killed her? You're just like me... Overprotective" he said and gave me a kiss

"If you're my man I want you to myself" I said to which he smiled

I went back to do my job.

"Hey, I'll go outside to take a break" he said

"No wait! I'll come with you!" I said

"Hm? Why?"

"I wanna be with you" I said

"Awww, cutie" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"I love youuuuu" I said

"I love you too" he said and grabbed my hand

We went outside and started chatting

"So you know... Uhhh... I was counting... "


"The date of birth... Since you got me pregnant in April... I knew the date now I forgot... But anyways, the baby should be born like on the 18th of January" I said

"So my birthday is on the 14th of January, your is 2 days after mine and the baby is 2 days after you? That is... There is no word to describe it" he said making me smile

"Another little capricorn" I said

"Yeah... Maybe we should name her/him with a name that starts with J?" he said

"No... I have a name... But only if it's a girl... If it's a boy you pick!" I said

"I'm down" he said and pulled me down

"What the?"

"Shhhhhhhh someone is here"

"Who?" I quietly asked as I was looking around to see everyone on the ground hiding

Jongin looked around and saw a man with a gun in his hands

"It's uhhh... It's Park Jin-Young" he said

"It's who? I killed him wtf are you saying?" I asked

"Well apparently not" Jongin said and signaled me to move since he is coming closer

"I'll kill him now" I said

"No you don't have time to get your daggers and- you already have them don't ya?" he said and looked at me with my daggers

"This one is called Des, the other one is called Troy and together they are Des-troy" I said to which he laughed

I didn't have to use them since others took him down but damm was it weird

I went back to work... At least I thought... That work became full of kisses everywhere

I enjoyed it of course but we're at work, not in the bed

"Okay stop" I said

"Why?" he asked

"We're at work not in bed" I said

"But I'm the boss and I can do whatever I want to you... Only to you my love" he said

"Can we leave work early to continue?" I asked

"Yes we can" he said and pulled me to go home faster

He, as always, opened the car door for me, went inside and started driving

"Why are you so horny all of a sudden??"

"Didn't I tell you?" he asked


"I'm always horny for you" he said and gave me a kiss

"Same goes for me too but I activate myself when you say you wanna do it... Forget what I said... It sounds cringe" I said

He laughed

"I think you're very cute for the way you say things" he said

"I just think you're very cute" I said

"and hot, kind, caring, loyal, horny, loving, handso-" he started listing things he is
"Yes you are... And that's not even a half of it, you're way better" I said

We came home and you know...

Okay so the reason I finished this chapter here is that this chapter has 911 words so I had to stop hehe

Btw next chapter is like 7 months later and the baby... Oops did I spoil too much😅😅😅

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