#4? (part 1)

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Jennie and Jongin, enjoying their life with their 3 kids, Hana, Jung-he and Hye-jin. Hana started going to school, but of course she can't go alone so her dad takes her to school everyday because he thinks that mommy looks precious when she sleeps that he doesn't want to wake her up.

Jennie and Jongin wanted some time for themselves and decided to leave their kids at Jisoo's and Suho's place for a few days. The kids love spending time with their aunt and her husband.

Author pov

Jennie waved to her kids as Jongin drove them to Suho's house.

Jennie went back inside and started making cookies. She wanted to surprise Jongin when he comes back. She put the cookies in the oven and heard the door open

"Babe I'm home" Jongin said and took his shoes off

Jennie came running towards him and jumped on him making him feel happy

He spinned around while holding her, making her chuckle

He put her down and was about to kiss her when she started running away, making him chase her. She was running around the living room until he caught her and threw her on the sofa to go tickle her. Her giggles filled the room while Jongin smiled to her cuteness. She stopped him and pulled him close to her to give him a kiss. She got up and grabbed his hand

"You're so energetic!" he said while she was walking with him to the kitchen

"I have a little surprise for you!" she said as she stood next to the oven.

"Hm? You do?" he asked

"Cover your eyes!" she said as he did what she wanted

She checked what time it was and saw it was time to take the cookies out. She took the cookies out while Jongin just sniffed

Jennie touched him to open his eyes and once he opened them she cutely yelled "Cookies!"

Jongin laughed at how adorable she was. He took one cookie and commented "Mmm, these are yummy! Maybe even yummier than you..."

"You think they're yummier than me?" she asked with a confused look knowing he likes how she tastes

"I don't know... I didn't taste you in a long time..." he said

"Well you can..." she said
"But first eat the cookies!" she said in the cutest way possible and put a cookie in his mouth

"Baby you're adorable! I'm obsessed with you!" he said making Jennie smile with her mouth full of cookies

Once they finished eating. Jongin carried her to the bedroom and ripped her shirt off, knowing she was braless. He started fondling her breast with one hand as the other hand slipped into her panties. Jongin smirked upon feeling how wet she was.

Jongin started kissing her, he slipped his tongue in her mouth and started swirling it around hers. He inserted his two fingers inside of her and started fondling her other breast. He stopped the kiss and stopped fondling her breast and went down towards her private/not-so-private area. He continued thrusting his fingers inside her and started licking her clit. Jennie turned from cute to hot. She was covered in sweat. Her moans turned Jongin on as he couldn't wait any longer and pulled his fingers out. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down revealing his length. Jennie, as always, swallowed thickly upon seeing the size of it. Jongin held nothing back and inserted his length inside of her. He started thrusting inside and rubbed his finger against her clit. Jennie arched her back and became a moaning mess.

"A-ahh J-Jongin..." Jennie moaned as his length kept hitting her G-spot

"I missed this" Jongin stated while Jennie moaned

Someone knocked on the doors of their house, making Jongin thrust faster.

"J-Jongin... I'm n-near" Jennie said, feeling a knot in her stomach

"So am I" Jongin said and heard the doorbell ring, making him go even faster

Jennie was loud, she was sure that whoever is at the door can hear her moans.

Jongin came before her and pulled out. He rubbed her clit mercilessly until she came in his mouth. Jongin swallowed and stated "Mhh, this is better than cookies"

He kissed her private area and then her lips and put his clothes on to go see who was at the door.

He opened the door and saw his 3 kids.

He crouched down and opened his arms for them to run into his arms and hug them. He looked at Jisoo and Suho with a confused look. Jisoo mouthed 'They missed you', which made Jongin smile

"Daddy, where's mommy?" Hana asked

"Right here" Jennie said as she walked towards her husband

"Mommy!" Jung-hee yelled, ran to her and hugged her

"Hi my baby!" Jennie said and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"I missed your hugs!" he said as Hana was running towards them

"Awwwh, I missed you too!" Jennie said as she looked at Jongin, who was holding Hye-jin, with pure happiness

They hugged for some time until they decided they want to watch something. So Jennie put on 'The Incredibles 2' and made some popcorn. Jisoo and Suho were sitting next to each other with Hye-jin on their laps. Haerin and Jung-hee were sitting next to each other with Haerin's leg crossing Jung-hee's leg. The two lovebears, Jennie and Jongin were next to each other, Jennie's head laying on Jongin's chest with his arm holding her.

They were enjoying their little movie night. Hye-jin fell asleep which made Jisoo smile. Jennie aslo fell asleep, making Jongin look at her with hearts in his eyes. He was so in love with her, she looked so precious when she was asleep so he didn't wanna wake her up.


Suho and Jisoo left with the kids. Jongin followed them outside and exchanged goodbyes with them. He came back to the house and laid next to Jennie, who was still asleep on the couch, and fell asleep. While sleeping they were cuddling, protecting each other from nightmares.
Hi, uhh so this is part 1 of this story part, meaning I will update this once! Idk I just felt like I wanted to add smthng to this story so yuh! See you in the next update!

Btw yes, the story is completed but I wanted to add things so you'll have over 18 chapters :)

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