We Meet Once Again

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It's been 3 weeks since I broke up with Jongin... I have been feeling horrible, throwing up a lot, I had a fever, I feel dizzy a lot... I need to go see a doctor!

I was walking to my doctor to check if I'm okay... And there I was... The next second... I was on the ground... Unconcious

A nice lady helped me and got me to my doctor, we agreed to become friends, her name is Nayeon... Anyways I entered the hospital...

"Hello Mr. Kim!" I greeted my doctor

"Ah Jennie... You don't come often, what happened?" he asked me

"Well lately I have been throwing up a lot, I had a fever, I even felt dizzy" I told him

"All right, I'll run a few tests on you to se what's wrong okay?" he said

10 minutes later, the doctor finished doing everything

"Well..." he said

"You're Pregnant! Congratulations!" he said

I'M WHAT?! But the only person that can be the father... Why? Why did this happen? I have no heart to get rid of the child... I... What should I.... What should I do?

This is the first time... In my life... When I don't know... What to do...

"Wow! Oh my, I'm shocked, I am so happy! Thank you!" I said because I didn't wanna confuse the doctor, I am not sure what to do

Jongin pov

It's been 3 weeks since I broke up with Jennie... I don't have the energy to do anything... She became my source of energy... Now, only thing I do is sleep, lay in bed all day, eat chips, I gained a lot of weight.... I lost my abs... The ones I worked for, for a long time... They're gone, just because I fell in love and I got broken up with...

I miss her, but now is not the time to think about her... What am I saying? Every second is the time to think about her

Sehun came to me and told me we should go workout... But I am too tired... Well maybe I should

As me and Sehun left my house, we chose to walk to the gym

"Dude you gained weight!" he said
"Yeah I know..." I told him
"So we will go to the gym and get you back to that form" he said
"Yeah okay... I didn't mean to gai-"

I suddenly stopped and dropped on my knees while looking straight

"Dude! You okay!? Hey get up!" Sehun kept shaking me but no use

I got up and called a name


She looked at me and stopped... I realized her way, the way she was going is the way I came from... But why did she go there?

I ran towards her

"I haven't seen you in a long time... How are you doing?" I asked and she started to cry...

"Jennie, you okay? Don't cry... please" I said but the tears kept falling down her face

I hugged her

"Please... If you ever see me on street... Don't approach me, you're making it harder for me... And can you do me a favor?" she said with tears falling down her face

"Yes, anything..." I said

"Can you please lose some weight, because you need to stay healthy, and be careful in your future missions" she said and hugged me back

She gave me a pat on the back and left

"HEY! Where are you going? Your agency nor your house is there" I said as she turned around

"To a friend's house... Nayeon, a new friend" she said, smiled and left us

I couldn't even say anything, I wanna say 'Thank you', 'I wish the best for you', 'If you need anything, call me', 'I love you', and more... But she left...

Well, I'll just go to the gym now... Definitely not think of her...

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