Dead Or Alive

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Jongin jumped off the roof as Jennie was on the floor. He shot her left leg to make sure she stays on the ground

"Sorry, I don't wanna do this either but I have to" he said and pulled the trigger

He shot but missed, Jennie moved her head

"Wait Jongin, please... I'm pregnant" she said

"So what?" he asked

"You don't care about your baby?"

Her words made him fall on the ground

"You're pregnant... With my child?" he asked

"If it wasn't your child why would I be telling you this?!" she said

"Are joking with me? I'll let you live and you'll live with me, against my will but if you're lying, it won't end well for you and your family" he said

"I don't think you can help me now... You shot me thrice, in my ankle, chest and-"

He kissed her.

"Shut up, don't talk, I shot you in your lungs, if you talk more you'll suffer to breathe" he said making Jennie smile

He pressed her wounds with his hands and called his agency's doctors

Jennie was later treated in the hospital with Jongin sitting next to her

"She will have to stay here for a week" The doctor said

"Okay" Jennie said

"I'll leave you two alo-"

"Wait! Can you check if she's pregnant?" Jongin asked

"Oh yeah" Jennie forgot

"Hmmm.... It seems like... Oh I see a little tiny baby inside of her, it's very small for now, just be patient, it will come in a few months" The doctor said, smiled, and left the room

"So you weren't lying..." he said

"Haha, why would I? Trust me, I'm not a liar" she said

"Yeah, I know..." he said

"You okay? You don't look so good, are you feeling well?" she asked, kinda concerned

"Ah no, I'm okay, just thinking about some names" he said

"Names?" Jennie asked

"For the little baby of course" Jongin said

"Woah, I didn't expect that from you" she said

"Shut up"

And so they chit-chated a little

1 week later

Jongin came back to the hospital, because he sleeps at home. Said hi to the nurses, doctors and Jennie

"How are you feeling?"

"Well I don't have holes in my body anymore so I'd say good" Jennie answered to his question

"I'm gla-"

A loud explosion could be heard and once it was done, it left ringing in their ear

The first floor and half of the second floor of the hospital exploded

"Uhhh, what was that?!" Jongin asked

He got no response

"I can't see of the smoke! Is anyone here?" Jongin asked

No response

"Jennie?!" he called out her name

No response

He looked very closely and saw blood on her bed

"Jennie?!!!" Jongin yelled

And there she was, walking outside the bathroom door

He ran towards her and gave her a hug

"I thought you died, why didn't you answer me?!?" he asked

"Sorry, I was using the bathroom and the ringing in my ear is very loud" she said and added, "More importantly, whose blood is that"

She went towards the bed and saw an exploded body a doctor

Jongin and Jennie left the hospital, he drove her to her house, picked up Kuma and drove to his house

She sat on the bed once they arrived and asked is he okay

"Yeah I'm fine" Jongin said

"That was surely planned"

"Yeah, just like the little baby inside you"

"What did you say?"

"I wanted to have a baby with you but after our night, I realized you might be on you birth control" he said

He laid on the bed, pulled her down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She hugged him and so they cuddled

They both fell asleep,

Without even realizing it, Jongin was covering all the places he had shot Jennie, not just with his arms, but also with his legs :)

He really cares about her even if he's denying it

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