Change Of Plans

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2 months later

We've got a message that we have to meet at new places our companies are at

My company is in a forest, it's a huge landscape and it is no longer an 'I don't know how much' story building, it's all on the open, it's all outside

There are some buildings but they don't have more than 2 floors

"Hey Jennie!"
"Hello Mrs. Seulgi!"

I was greeted by my boss

"All secret agent/spy companies are now like this, on the open" she said to which I said : "Oh great!"

She smiled

"Anyways, you're the most powerful spy there ever was... And I have to teach you a lot so please, once you check out this place, come to my office, the building all the way straight forward, and let's have a talk about that." she said, I nodded and had a look around

After looking around

I decided to go to Seulgi's office

"Hey, I'm back" I said and she told me to sit

"Listen please, this is important" she said

"There are 18 companies like this, the top 3 are we... The Deathscape company, The Darkfuture company and The Depths of Hell company. In short : The DS company, The DF company and The DH company. All companies have to begin with the letter D" she said

"Kinda realized that" I said to which she smiled

"Anyways, in the DF company, the one your ex goes to, there is a man called Park Jin-young, also know as JY. He made all these companies and put only one person in it... And that person is the boss of the company" she said

"Woah it's you!" I said to which she nodded

"Anyways, Mr.Park Jin-young is still the leader of all of us, and if he dies, there will have to be the new person to take over his position. That person will be the one that wins 'The Final Death Land' competition" she said

"The final death land?" I asked cause I was confused

"The Final Death Land is one big arena where 18 people from 18 different companies fight for death, the company has to pick the most powerful person they have and in order for that person to become the new Park Jin-young, they have to kill, or extremely badly hurt the others" she said

"Is Park Jin-young dead? If not why are you telling me this now?" I asked

"He isn't dead, he is alive, but you just have to know!"

"Okay, thank you!" I said and left

2 hours later

I was walking home and I felt eyes on me, someone is watching me

I looked up, left, right and saw a man on a roof

I started climbing up to get to him cause in this deadly life, if someone wants to kill you, you wanna kill them

As soon as I got up there, I was attacked

"You're gonna die now, how do you feel?" he asked

I kicked him of course and took my knife out

He was on the floor, so I started walking towards him

I was about to kill him when suddenly another man jumped on me and pushed me away from him

"As he said, you're gonna die now, how do you feel?" the man with a mask on asked

That man's voice...


I got no response, so it means it is him

I saw the other man walking towards me so I knew I will die

Sadly, I had to stab Jongin, but in the hand so that he would go away, and so I did

Once I was free I jumped on the other guy and at this point, I really didn't care

I cut his head off, now his head and body are 2 separate things, I made cuts on his arms, I stabbed him in the stomach, the man was dead

Now, there is 1 more man... That I don't wanna kill

"You idiot! You killed Park Jin-young!" Jongin said and took the mask off

"You two are idiots for attacking me, but also, why you? Why are you attacking me?" I asked with a sad face

"You're my mission" he said and started running towards me

I kinda predicted his words so I jumped of the roof

As I was running away I felt a pain in my right ankle and then in my chest

He shot me.

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