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It was morning, Jennie woke up before Jongin and went to get 2 cups of coffee, one for her and one for Jongin

When she came back she found him awake

"Good morning! How are you?" he asked her happily
"Morning! I'm okay... I see you're happy" Jennie said and removed the box that he was laying on

He fell how she took the box and was still hanging but then she untied him and took him to the bedroom. She locked the bedroom doors and gave him his cup of coffee

"How did you sleep on the box?"
"Uncomfortable but it's not the worst thing to sleep on" he whined
"Relax, you'll sleep here with me from today"

It looked like his eyes just became wide open of how happy he was

"Well someone is happy"
"I get to sleep with you! Of course I'm happy!"
"The last time we did that you tried to kill me"
"I won't now"
"I know you won't, you ain't got anything to kill me with"
"I don't wanna kill you, I have to or I'll lose my job"
"Why did you try to kill me then?"
"Because I wanted to kill you before catching big feelings for you"
"You can change the mission you know"
"But I want a challenge"
"You'll get one, call your boss to change your mission"

And he did, he called his boss and his new target is Yeri, from Red Velvet.

"Thank you!" he said over the phone
"Jennie I'm hungry" he said
"I know, we will go to the restaurant" "Sounds good to me"
"I'm glad"

Jennie got him some clothes and he changed into them, Jennie found herself some clothes in her walk-in closet and changed into them

They left the company building and headed to the fancy restaurant

They ordered food and started to eat

"I'll pay" Jongin said
"You won't"
"I will"
"I have to go to the bathroom"
"I'll wait"

Jennie went to pay and gave extra money if they wanted more, she told them to keep everything even if they don't order so much more

"I'm back" she said
"You're very pretty today" he complimented her
"Thank you, you're hot today... I mean everyday... I mean I'll just shut up cause it will be awkward" she said and Jongin laughed

The waiter came to pick up the plates

"Can I pay?" he asked
"She already paid" the waiter said and pointed at Jennie
"Alright, thank you" he looked at her like he was gonna kill her and her instinct was to, run but she stayed

"I said I'll play"
"Too late"

They were talking, joking, flirting while walking back to the company

This wasn't even a date but it sure looked like one

"Jennie" he stopped walking
"Yes?" she asked

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

Jennie stopped breathing, she just froze and didn't move

"Yes! I will! I 100% will!" she said happily

Jongin approached her and gave her a kiss without stopping

Jennie hated that he kissed her like  that in public but he was an amazing kisser and enjoyed it

"If you're scared that I'll do something just tell me, it's not a problem" he said

"I love you, even when you said you'll kill me I loved you, I always cared about you I just wanted you to feel the way I felt, sad, but I also felt betrayed and you felt disappointed so we are equal now" she said as he grabbed her waist and never let her go

They came to the company and went to the bedroom inside Jennie's office

They started to kiss on the bed, roughly, they didn't stop, they didn't care about anything until they heard a loud knock on the door.

"Hello! This is Wheein, I would like to inform you that there will be a little party full of mini games tommrow night and you both are invited!" she said

"Thank you" they both said at the same time


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