All Good Things Come To An End

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6 years later

Jennie and Jongin both decided to leave their job as a secret agent since it's very risky when you have a family... They had 2 more kids, Jung-hee, a baby boy, and Hye-jin, a baby girl

Hana is currently 6 years old, Jung-hee is 2 and Hye-jin 9 months.

"Mommyyyyyy" Hana yelled while running towards her mom

"Yes my baby?" Jennie aksed while Jongin was keeping an eye on both of them

"Can I be a princess when I grow up" she asked with puppy eyes

"Awh my love... Baby you can be whatever you want in the future" Jennie said

"Also... I've been scared to say but there is this one boy in my class... " she said and started whispering, "his name is Junhyuk and I really really like him... Can you please not tell daddy"

"Unfortunately daddy heard you" Jongin said while approaching them

"But you said you'll let me do anything to be happy... Can I please...?"

"Baby this is for you... Boys can hurt girl's feelings..." he said

"But you didn't hurt mommy..." she said to which Jennie chuckled

"Bec-" Jongin was about to say when suddenly
"Because daddy is one of those rare men that are kind... He's in the 3% of all the boys in this world" Jennie said making Jongin smile

Suddenly Jung-hee came walking towards them while pulling a toy car that Hye-jin was sitting in

"Awwwww" Jennie could only die of the cuteness that's approaching her

"I love his tan skin... He looks just like me"
"I love his dad"
"I love his mom more than she loves his dad"
"I love his dad more than he loves her"
"No you don't... You know I love YOU the most in this house"

Jongin's and Jennie's fight about who loves who more went on while the kids played with dolls and plushies

"Jung-hee, you be this blonde barbie and I'll be this one" Hana said

"What will Hye-jin be?"

"A princess we have to save!" Hana answered and started acting like a barbie

Jennie and Jongin eventually stopped once Jennie gave up. Their little love fight left them in a hugging position, watching their little angels play

"Baby... Can you go to the bedroom with me?"
"Uhh... Yes?" Jennie answered his question

He closed the door and kissed her

His soft lips on her still felt like heaven.

"Do you remember what I said when I proposed to you?" he asked


Jennie got flashbacks of them in Paris, watching the sunset on the balcony of the hotel they were staying in.

He told her 'Jennie, thank you for making me the happiest man in the world and being the best girlfriend ever. I will love you, and only you, for the rest of my life' and went on one knee and pulled out the box with the ring

End of the flashback

"Yes, that you'll love me for the rest of your life? Don't tell me you don't think you wil-"

"No, I will... Absolutely... I just wanted to remind you" he said and hugged her

"OooOooooOoOoooooh" Jung-hee and Hana who was holding Hye-jin were watching them

"Awh I've been caught hugging daddy... He is mine! M-I-N-E... Mine!" Jennie said after seeing them as she hugged him tighter

"No he is mine! My dad! I love him the most!" Hana said

"No! I look the most like him! He is mine!" Jung-hee thought otherwise

"Nu-uh" Hye-jin joined with a little no

They started arguing about the theme while Jongin and Jennie were still hugging, but now looking each other in the eyes with big smiles on their faces of what they created

"They are perfect" Jongin said

"Yeah... Fighting about you... Who cares about the one that went through the most physical health with them" Jennie said making Jongin laugh

"I do" he said

"Heyyy! Don't repeat the words I said at our wedding!" she said making Jongin laugh a little more

The kids stopped fighting and ran to their parents for hugs

"We love you both equally!" Jung-hee and Hana said

"We love you too" Jennie and Jongin said... Not knowing that they will say it at the same time

They were all on the floor, hugging, Jongin didn't know how he ended up so lucky, Jennie didn't know how her and Jongin's relationship went from horrible to the most beautiful thing, Hana is happy she has overprotective parents and a lot of toys, and mostly, she's happy she has a brother and a sister to play with, Jung-hee was happy because he thought his name was the cutest in the family and he was happy cause of the family he is in... And nobody really knows for Hye-jin, she is just there, hugging her bear plushy and her parents that gave the plushy to her

Hye-jin had that bear plushy everywhere with her, she gave him a name Kuku, he was named after their dog Kuma that slept on the same bed as Jennie and Jongin. They are living in a house Jennie and Jongin bought after Hana was born and they are loving it.

After a few hours, they all went to sleep. Hana and Jung-hee stayed a little longer, playing with dolls and so did Jennie and Jongin, who were chatting and joking while cuddling. Isn't everyone happy???
Hi so, yeah... That ended...

Thank you for the support and there still might be more updates, about them, how this amazing family is doing but... The main story is complete.

The story kinda took a turn, at the start Jennie and Kai hated each other, then loved, then hated, then loved... And they were constantly fighting each other, trying to kill each other... But now they are the happiest.

I can sadly say something, it'll be hard... but I have to...

The end.

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