The Run

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He took out the knife and Jennie immediately jumped out of the bed and took Kuma

She opened the door and ran for her life, she didn't run towards the elevator even though it was the only way downstairs

She ran through the long hallway with Jongin behind her chasing after her

She placed Kuma down and ran faster

She took the advantage and turned left and hid. He kept on running but it didn't take him a long time to realize she is not anywhere near in front of him

While he was running back she was running towards the elevator but eventually he saw her holding Kuma in front of him and ran faster

The elevator opened and he was about to go in behind her but she jumped out of the window next to the elevator

They were on 5th floor but she still jumped not caring what can happen to her body

He went inside the elevator cause he wasn't crazy like her

"She's crazy" he said and once the door of the elevator opened he kept on running to the entrance of the hospital

He opened the door but she wasn't there, a pool of blood was there but no sign of her

As he knew where she lived and it wasn't far away he ran to her house.

She wasn't there.

Jennie went to her company that was really close to the hospital and went to her office

"Hello Jenni-YAH" Solar said and called the doctors from the first floor to help immediately

Jennie fell on a sharp object and has a big hole in her stomach, she broke her left knee, right ankle and her whole right arm. Kuma was thankfully not injured. The doctors came and placed her on her desk to heal her the most they can right now

After Jongin checked Jennie's house, he went back to the hospital and saw blood on the floor leading towards the next building. He walked inside and was greeted by a monitor in front of him. The monitor said : "You don't work here, why are you here and who are you?"

"I am Mrs. Jennie Kim's boyfriend and I'm here to visit my girlfriend" he said

"Mrs. Jennie is on the 13th floor, her office is there, have a happy relationship!" the monitor said

Jongin smirked and went inside the elevator
He was greeted by Jennie's co-workers Wheein, Joy, Dahyun and Mino

Once he was on the 13th floor he saw a template with Jennie Kim written on it

He went inside and saw Jennie on the desk with 8 doctors around her. He felt bad for her but also didn't.

"Oh hi... You're apparently Jennie's boyfriend, hi I'm Irene" she said and Jennie immediately looked at him and yelled : "LEAVE NOW, PLEASE SOMEONE TAKE HIM AWAY HE TRIED TO KILL ME HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND"

Two guards came but they were stabbed in a second

"Wh-who are y-you?" the doctor asked

"I'll say two letters and you'll know" Jongin said


Everyone knew that SM is the secret agent company that is the biggest rival of YG company

"Hope you know now" Jongin said and took out two knives

While Irene and Solar ran away others didn't know what to do and were sliced in half in 3 seconds

The only person that wasn't killed was Jennie

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