𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲


"Crap," I quietly curse as I turn back to face Y/N's car, "I almost forgot to lock it."

After throwing out some garbage in a nearby garbage can, I walk a little ways until I get to Semi's house.

"Yo," I smile as I open up the doors and invite myself in.

"Geez, Tendou what the fuck? You don't knock anymore?" Semi asks.

"Nope," I say proudly as I swing my new bag of cash.

I notice that I catch the eyes of the two of my friends as I slam down the bag of cash onto the table. I see Ushijima's eyes widen as he walks over to me and opens the bag.

"What's in there?" Semi asks impatiently.

"Ah nothing really," I say coyly, "just some cute girl gave me a bit of money today."

"What do you mean by gave?" Semi growls back.

"Well you see, I ran into a pretty girl this afternoon and didn't think much of it until I saw her later on in the bank I was... planning on taking out a loan from."

Semi sighs as he sees Ushijima lift up a wad of cash.

"What bank," he groans as he turns to face the computer behind him.

"I dunno, the one on block 19," I shrug.

I grab a chocolate bar that I had previously bought and take a seat next to Semi.

"What are ya doin' bro?" I ask as Semi begins typing something into his computer.

"Shut up, I'm about to save your stupid ass."

While I eat the chocolate, I watch Semi go through a video recording of the bank from when I was there.

"Ooo see, she's cute right?" I beam as I point to Y/N on the screen.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up? I'm going to erase the security footage from today so back up or I might change my mind."

I roll my eyes as I lean away and sit back down, throwing away the candy wrapper in the trash.

"Man, poor SemiSemi's got something up his ass today," I laugh as I look towards Ushijima.

"Tendou," Ushijima calls to me, "This is a lot of cash to get from one bank teller, am I incorrect?"

"Nah," I agree as I stand up, "I'm telling you I hit the freaking jackpot! Especially with that girl."

Ushijima raises a brow at me when I bring up Y/N again.

"Why do you keep talking about this girl?" he asks as though he doesn't know what a female is, "Are you going to pursue her?"

"I dunno," I shrug, "If I run into her for a third time I don't think I have a choice."

"You already don't have a choice," Semi grumbles from his chair.

"What do you mean?" Ushijima and I both ask our friend.

Semi calls both of us over to him and tells us to watch the screen. We watch the security footage from when I was with Y/N. It goes on as I do some great flirting to Y/N.

"Hell yeah I better! SemiSemi and Wakatoshi-kun are gonna be so proud of me!"

Shit. I didn't even realize I brought up their names.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Ushijima grumbles from beside me.

"God, Tendou you're such an idiot," Semi says as he shakes his head.

"What's the big deal guys?" I say as I try to laugh away the uncomfortable moment.

"Idiot you need to get to keep that girl quiet before she talks to the cops!" Semi yells, "And if you don't I'll have someone else deal with her!"

I look over and see Ushijima nod in agreement with Semi.

"Guys I trust Y/N. I don't think she's gonna snitch," you say defensively, "she's smart."

"How do you know that?" Ushijima asks spiritlessly.

"Do not catch feelings for this girl," Semi warns as he narrows his eyes, "meeting her was just a coincidence and that's all!"

"Alright, alright," I say as I try to calm Semi down, "can you tell me where she lives then?"

Semi groans and mutters something under his breath about how he always does all of the work.

"Tendou," Ushijima calls out to me, causing me to turn around, "you did not answer what I said before. What do you see in this girl?"

"Oi, why are you asking?" I say as I narrow my eyes, "you better not be planning on stealing her from me."

I watch as Ushijima rolls his eyes and focuses back on what Semi is doing.

"You need to stop talking about this damn girl," Semi groans, "she's not your girlfriend, she's a problem."

"I agree," Ushijima adds.

"What?" I exclaim as I'm shocked by what Ushijima has just said, "you're the one who keeps asking me about her!"

Ushijima once again looks away and ignores what I've said to him. Just like him, I then turn back to what Semi is looking at.

"You two need to lighten up," I say as I pat Semi's back.

"Just shut up," Semi says sourly, "here's her address. Copy it and get out of my house."

"Ahh, thanks buddy!" I exclaim as I take a picture of his screen with my phone, "Well wish me luck!"

I'm about to walk out of the room before remembering something and turn back around.

"And don't steal my money," I groan, "I'll be right back for it and it's already counted."

"Like you can count that high," Semi chimes in.

"Bro... you're in such a bad mood for no reason. Relax."

I roll my eyes at my friends before saying goodbye and walking out of Semi's house.

Well, time to give my Y/N a visit.

I can't help but find myself humming happily as I walk back to Y/N's now clean car.

Man, this thing really needed cleaning. Y/N's so lucky to have me watching out for her.

 Y/N's so lucky to have me watching out for her

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{ACCOMPLICE} Satori Tendou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now